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Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
<font size="7" face="impact,chicago" color="#ff0000">Dogfights a Brewin'</font>

Friday Night: 6:45PM to 9:45PM.

Robbie McGill will try to hold off, hard charging Jim McClanahan in the final points tourney for RABTS Angler of the Year.

Jmax has to come win the TX and have the big fish to edge ahead of McGill in the points standings. If McGill finishes 5th or better or has the big fish, the best JMAX can do is runner-up. Atchley has an outside mathematical chance of a 1st place tie with McGill if McGill does not fish this TX.

If you can't fish, come out and watch the weigh-in and see if Jmax can throw a hay maker for the RABTS AOY win.

Only TWO Ratman's TX left, then there gone forever.

August 28th will be the last TX in the series and the $500 guaranteed 1st place. (At least one angler in each boat entered must have fished 7 RABTS TX to qualify for the guarantee. If you don't qualify you can still enter and win the entry portion of first place which is usually around $400).
McGill has been hot and on fish. :( I believe there is a snow ball chance in hell to catch him the way he has been fishing lately. I would just love to have me and beetlespin just get another check. emoThumbsup I have got five checks in the last five tournaments I have entered so I am hoping to keep the pace going. McGill blew everyone away at the CFF with almost 14 lbs with three. emoRolleyes He would really have to try hard to blow this one. Thanks for the kudoes whatever happens. emoToast Jmax
Maybe we should move this down into the prayers request section because it is going to take divine intervention for us to beat Robbie.
The guy i've been fishing with a little wanted to fish this one..... but unfortunately it's Ooltewah's first football game! Trying to make the decision what to do!
beetlespin - 8/20/2009 8:15 PM Maybe we should move this down into the prayers request section because it is going to take divine intervention for us to be Robbie.

emoAngel Sent! emoAngel </p>
<font size="3">The AOY trophy was delivered yesterday afternoon. It is a cool looking, big trophy, the only problem is it reads

<div align="left"><font size="6" face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif"> RABTS 2009
"RANGLER OF THE YEAR". </font></div><div align="left"></div>

<font size="3">The corrected engraving was mailed to me this morning. emoBang </font></p>


Now that I know I have the problem solved it is sort of funny, yesterday I was sort of pissed off. emoEnforce
I appreciate all the faith you guys have in me. I'm not feeling to confident since I haven't been on the water since last Sat. night's CFF TX due to 12+ hour days at work. I hope to be able to make it Friday night. If I don't see you there good luck. Hope ya catch a boat load!
Robbie, JMAX is secretly praying that you will have a boat-load of work to do Friday... emoLaugh Just kidding Jim. I know you want to beat him head to head, instead of by default.

Regarless, congrats on a great year and congrats to Kirk and the guys for such a successful tournament series. hate to see it have to end. Wish I had the time and the resources to step up and continue the Friday Nighters for years to come...
Even if you don't show up McGill you will probably win. Keep in mind I would still have to win it and take big bass. emoEek I have not done that but one time all year. You more then likely will get it anyways. emoWorthy Jmax
So this one is still just an open tourn. for anybody to come and fish right. I am assuming the one on the 28th for 500.00 is only for the ones that qualify. Was plaining on fishing tonight and just wanted to make sure I could fish it.
Its open to everyone Dirtdobber.

Its been nice seeing such a smooth ran TX come out of there on Friday guys have done a great job with it! be neck and neck with Robbie is a awesome thing. Best of luck to both of you!
It is an open tournament and anyone can fish it. Even the $500 tournaments are open tournaments.

The reason we require qualifying points for the $500 is to make sure the regulars are getting a fair shake. We didn't want them to fish every week, invest their time and effort and then watch 30 new boats show up for the $500 TX and one of them win the guaranteed money.

In the $500 guarantee ANYONE can fish it. The only rule is that to win the $500 Guarantee you have to fished 7 tournaments or your partner has to have fished 7 RABTS TX. You can still enter and win the tournament even if it is your first TX. In this case a non qualified winner would just receive the entry fee portion of first place which averages around $400.

I will post a list of Anglers that qualify on Monday. Then if anyone wants to fish the tournament that does not qualify all they have to do is hook up with someone on the list.
popeyedpete - 8/20/2009 6:51 PM<font face="Impact"><font color="#ff0000" size="7"> </font></font>
Only TWO Ratman's TX left, then there gone forever.

Say what? Gone forever? What the crap am I supposed to do on Friday nights?</p>
Get Billy to step up and run them next year Jason. You know he wants to... ;) Hopefully somebody will step up and put on another Friday nighter...

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