July tournament - Lake Sinclair 7/21/2007

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Ronnie Garrison

Well-known member
May 8, 2006
Griffin, GA
Spalding County Sportsman Club July Night Tournament - Lake Sinclair -
7/21/07 - 5:30 PM - 2:00 AM

Water temp 87 to 88, sunny until dusk, hot with a steady breeze. Sinclair is
a Georgia Power lake ringed with docks and has a big coal fired power plant
on it.

We took off at 5:30 because a pot tournament was scheduled at 6:00. 13
members and guests showed up. At blast off I went to a rocky point where
current from the intake at the power plant moves constantly this time of year.
Usually it is good for a fish or two if you can get on it. Not a bite after almost
30 minutes so I moved to a point across the intake - a place David Fritts
showed the world in a Redman Regional many years ago.

I made a few casts with a big Fat Free Shad, putting my boat right at the
buoy line and casting up current across the point. After a few casts I got line
on my crankbait and bent down in the boat to cut it loose. The power plant
is real loud here and when I stood back up I was surprised to see another
boat about 50 feet away casting to the point I was fishing - they stayed out
on the end of it and cast up to shallow water.

We alternated casts for about 30 minutes. Guy in front of other boat was
throwing a big crankbait. Guy in back kept switching every few casts from
crankbait to Carolina rig to Texas rig and back. At one point guy in back
grabbed net and went to front of boat but his partner was hauling water.

Decided to leave and hit some other spots. Stopped on first point again but
nothing hit - saw some baitfish down 12 feet deep but no fish. At 7:00
another tournament took off from the marina on the other side of the bridge
that is about 100 yards downstream of the point I was fishing. Two boats
stopped on the bridge - that made six boats I could see fishing pilings and
riprap, including one guy in my club.

At one point a herd of little otters came by - never seen anything like it. There
were five or six, hard to count, and they kept sticking their heads up looking
at me. They swam right by me into the cove where the power plant is - came
from the area of the highway bridge just downstream of the point. I guess it
was the little ones from a family - never saw a bigger one. The big cove at
the power plant is real shallow on one side and full of waterwillow.

Ran to a bank I like in a creek a few miles away. It is about 200 yards long
and drops right into the channel 30 feet deep. Several docks along this
bank have brush piles and there are a couple of rocky places. As I worked
along it fishing a jig head worm I saw I was on top of a brushpile out from a
dock in 22 feet of water. Worked the jig head worm to it and jiggled it and
felt a thump. Set the hook and managed to land a solid keeper bass - one
in the boat at 7:30.

On the other side of the dock I got a thump in another brush pile and quickly
landed a 11 inch throwback.

Boat traffic was awful. Seemed like big cruisers wanted to see how close
they could run by me - hard to stay on the front of the boat. I kept fishing up
the bank and turned back at the last dock working back. I had been throwing
a black Trick worm on a 3/16 ounce head and switched to a 1/4 ounce head
with a one of Randy’s GoTo Baits Tournament Sticks in pumpkinseed- a
Senko like 5” worm.

As worked it out from the first dock I almost got thrown out of the boat by a
wake. When I recovered and tightened up my line it felt heavy and I set the
hook. Thought I had a limb from the brushpile - surprised me when a keeper
bass came to the top near the boat. Two in the livewell at 8:00.

I fished the bank three more times with different baits, pissing off the dock
owner where I caught the first bass, I guess. He kept coming to the edge of
the water and staring at me. Never spoke and didn’t return my wave. He
was about 100 feet from me.

Right at dark on one pass I was throwing a Zoom Mag II and got a bite in a
shallow brushpile in front of a dock. Landed an 11 inch bass. Next two casts
to the same place missed bites, then caught another 11 incher. That was it
for two passes.

After dark I tried another set of docks across the creek. Nothing hit. It was
strange. After sundown there were lots of boats running around with lights
on. There were also lots running without lights, and most of them seemed
to be pulling tubes or skiers.

I kept looking for the law, figure they would be out. Two weeks ago a bass
boat in the Saturday night pot tournament Teeboned a Bass Tracker
running without lights. Guys in bass boat were rescued by a nearby dock
owner - they did not know what they hit until the next morning when the
Tracker was spotted under a nearby dock. They found one body a couple of
hours later and the other two days later.

At about 9:45 I made another pass on the bank where I got two keepers and
three throwbacks but no bites.

For some reason I was drawn to the big cove at the power plant - I kept
thinking about the grassbeds and all the lights from the power plant. I ran
back and hit the rocky point again - nothing and did not see anything on the
depthfinder. I wonder if bass like current in the dark - no experience with

As I rounded the point and got out of the current I started throwing a
spinnerbait and got slammed after a few casts - landed my biggest keeper,
about 15 inches long. Swung it over the side of the boat and it fell off - lucky
to land it. Three in the boat at 10:30.

I fished the spinnerbait to the end of the pocket at the buoy line then turned
back with a buzzbait. I could not see it although it was about as bright as it is
as dawn breaks from the lights on the bank. I could not hear it for the sound
from the power plant. Drove me crazy so I switched back to the spinnerbait.
No bites on the second pass.

I worked around the point and to the bridge, fishing the riprap a little. On the
downstream side of the bridge the DNR and Sheriff’s office have a dock
and keep about five boats there, and there is an office on the water on the
dock. Lots of lights on and two stalls open and empty - guessed they were
out patrolling. Fished the lights and a brushpile nearby with no bites.

At midnight I had worked out the point near the docks and turned and
started working back to hit the lights. A boat came roaring in and came off
plane not far from me, inside the no wake buoys. Thought they were going
to run over me - idled very fast toward the lights. I could see it was a bass
boat and figured they were trying to beat me to the lights -started to say
something as they came by then saw the markings. It was the DNR boat.
They tied up and took a guy out of the boat - two rangers with him. He did
not look real happy - wonder what they arrested him for and where his boat

For the next two hours I fished the lights and riprap with no hits. At the ramp
I tied up my boat and went after the trailer - there were only four trucks in the
parking lot, mine and three club members getting boats ready to go home.
Everybody else had left!

One guy had five keepers weighing 8.41 pounds - said he hit one lighted
dock and got all five. My three weighed 4.47 and gave me second, third
was one bass weighing 4.25 - he said it hit a crankbait under a bush where
he shook out mayflies. It was big fish,too. Fourth was two weighing 2.5 - he
was fishing with a guy that lives on the lake. One other club member had
one weighing .76 pounds. That was it - 8 zeroes out of 13 people. Tough

Saturday made my 200 day fishing this year - I guess Sunday made 2001 but I also went to my pond for a few minutes of catching bluegill that afternoon. Does that make up for one of the two days I have missed this year?
:) Cool fishing report story. I loved reading it .. now if you would just get a camera and take pictures .. I'd be in fish heaven. I would have loved to see a picture of those itsy bitsy otters!

Keep posting.

I read a story about that accident you talked about on the GON website. Its a shame those two boys died but it should be a lesson to all. If you're going to be out at night, please have your lights on at ALL times.
The otters would have been hard to get a picture of - they moved constantly and only stuck up their heads for a few seconds. And I was busy trying my best to catch a bass. Was an intersting sight tho.
Either dozens of boaters at Sinclair did not hear about it or learned no lesson. There was one idiot that came by in a big cruiser, man and a woman, pulling one of those chair like tubes. Had three kids on it. I could hardly see them when they went by me 100 feet away and the boats had no lights on it, either. There were dozens of skidoos and boats running around at dark with no lights and some bass boats running flat out in the dark. I was told game wardens there were issuing tickets for boats running over 40 in the dark - for reckless driving.
Sinclair is pretty much in the middle of the state on the Oconee River below Lake Oconee. About 90 miles east/southeast of Atlanta, between Milledgeville and Eatonon. 15,330 acres dammed in 1930.

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