June 5th Ratman TX Canceled!

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
As a show of support for CFF, Ratman and I decided to cancel the June 5th tournament so everyone will be free to fish the CFF tournament.

HOPEFULLY, we will get the blessing form Harrison Bay State Park to move the Ratman Tournament Series over there on June 12th. Once I get permission we will make the move. Rodbuilder talked to dmille last night and he is going to ask the park manager if he cares if we move it. If we get a yes the rest of the tournaments will be held at Harrison Bay. I will keep everyone posted.

June 12th, 2009 Tournament

The June 12th Scenic City Fishing Charters Tournament will be a $500 first place guarantee. A fishing trip with rsimms will be awarded to a lucky youth participant. (under 16 years of age.) We encourage a lot of Father/Son teams in this tournament.

The prize will be a trip for two (youth and adult) with Richard Simms for some trophy catfish.

We will also be holding a Rod Giveaway contest for the largest non tournament fish (Drum, Catfish, Gar etc)
Some specifics on the youth prize:

This will be a tournament inside a tournament format.

We encourage all the anglers that have children under 16 to bring them as their partner.

The Youth/Adult team weighing in the largest 3 fish sack will win the trip with Richard Simms and Scenic City Fishing Charters.

I will post more details in a separate thread.
<font size="5">I have the weigh-in booth ready for June 12th.</font>



Posted on the Ratmanbass.com website on May 18, 2009


This page will be updated with data from each tournament. The number appearing beside each name reflects the number of RABTS tournaments that particular angler has fished.

To qualify for the $500 Guarantee each angler must meet eligibility requirements. They are as follows:

April 17th anyone can win $500.

May 15th ( must have fished 1 RABTS TX)

June 12th (must have fished 3 RABTS TX)

July 17th (Must have fished 5 RABTS TX)

August 14th (Must have fished 7 RABTS TX)

At least one angler in each boat must have met the above criteria for that boat to be eligible to win the $500 guarantee. Boats that don't meet this eligibility requirement will only win the entry fee portion assigned to first place.
emoThumbsupYou guys are doing a great job, my hat is off to you. emoThumbsup Jmax
Kirk, you and Ratman are to be commended forsuch a noble gesture. Thanks for your consideration!! Now, we need everyone to come out and have a blast with us at CFF #5. Thanks, Al
Hey guys thats the least we could do because if it weren't for CFF our tournment wouldn't be possible. emoToast