Just a reminder for all CFF Tournaments

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Thanks for reminding everyone Pointer, with the one coming up on Nick out of Marion County Park some might have been tempted to lock through to the G. emoAngel Jmax
8Ball he has hung around Beetlespin for so long he is starting to sound like him. If he doesn't have something to complain about he will make something up. You notice how BS was complaining at the last one we were not going out of Jackson County Park, then when we changed it he suggested we should put it back where it was. emoBang Jmax
I seriously doubt there could be any more boats at MCP on the 6th than there were at JCP last weekend, even with all those boats everything went just fine.
Wormhook - 2/24/2010 9:45 AMAs I pointed out, there are 3 Txs scheduled that day for MCP
Jmax........see what I have quoted by wormhook. That would be why I dont want it out of marion county. Not griping or complaining, just figured it would make sense to have it somewhere else with a bit less traffic. Good grief.
8 Ball - 2/24/2010 8:56 AM I seriously doubt there could be any more boats at MCP on the 6th than there were at JCP last weekend, even with all those boats everything went just fine.

Maybe, but MCP is a little place in reference to parking. </p>
Beetle spin didn't gripe about anything. I just like jrking your chain. I must say though that the idea to park by the river buoys at the mouth of Roseberry creek for blastoff last weekend wasn't thought out very well. I thought that turned out to be a pretty unsafe situation. Not sure what the reasoning behind that was.
fish4thepeck - 2/24/2010 10:27 PM

I hope to make this one. Curious why there is no locking thru?

I am not on the committee but my understanding of it was to keep the tournament on the lake it was being called for. If we have it at the G you fish against others on the G. If you have it at the Chick you fish against others on the Chick and so on. With no limits you open someone to run anywhere up and down the river system. It highly favors folks with bigger and faster boats. You are not only fishing against someones skills but also against someones favored lake location. If someone was really on a hot honey hole of big bass say on the G that person could win a G tournament, a Nick tournament and a Chick tournament all from the same place. This way someone that was bad at fishing the G but good at the chick might place poorly on the one but better on the other. It levels the playing field for all anglers to have to fish the lake it is being launched from. emoAngel Jmax
fish4thepeck - 2/25/2010 3:29 AM

GOOD REPLY JMAX. l just hated to waste a day practicing for them ole trash fish.

You know they have the "CFF fish4thepeck charity fund raiser" in Sept. I may just give you my entry money and go fish somewhere else where I have a chance. emoPoke Two of those big smallies you always make us drool over and one trash fish will more then likely win it for you.Jmax emoBigsmile
Jmax - 2/25/2010 7:17 AM
fish4thepeck - 2/25/2010 3:29 AM GOOD REPLY JMAX. l just hated to waste a day practicing for them ole trash fish.
You know they have the "CFF fish4thepeck charity fund raiser" in Sept.


emoUpsmile emoUpsmile emoUpsmile </p>

Jmax - 2/23/2010 8:13 PM

If he doesn't have something to complain about he will make something up. Jmax

I don't think he's the only one complaining JMAX. Sounds like common sense says the tournament needs to be moved. It's a CFF tournament, everyone who fishes will be CFF members, WHY NOT MOVE TO ANOTHER RAMP??? It's not like moving a BFL or CBA. I could care less, but some of you guys are taking this personal.

I agree with Wormhook and Fishnvol. If I was fishing it, I wouldn't want to be in a traffic jam to park and launch.

JDK - 2/24/2010 10:28 PM

fish4thepeck - 2/24/2010 11:27 PM I hope to make this one. Curious why there is no locking thru?


to keep you away from your pet smallies down there emoEnforce

You all better let him lock thru. Remember what happened on Nicajack last time he fished a TX there.
I vote for moving it as well, mcp is going to be a cluster with all those tournaments. What about the ramp across the river by the barges? Don't know the name but plenty of parking for us cff'rs.

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