Just got back from the Dr....

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Congrats! I just had a little girl 4 weeks ago, and I wouldn't trade her for all the boys in the world. Get a good coat of wax on the boat, its gonna get dusty!
Thanks guys! We're pretty dang excited. My wife is with her sister (who also found out today that SHE's have a girl, due 2 days after my wife) and mom at Babies R Us doing a little shopping. Too bad you can't just put a drain plug in a kid and stop the leaks!
Congrats Corey! Were you all at the same party or something? HA HA about time to try our spring shallow water pattern again huh? Being a parent is absolutly the reason why we're here man. Congrats again!

BassmanIU - 2/2/2009 3:20 PM

Thanks guys! We're pretty dang excited. My wife is with her sister (who also found out today that SHE's have a girl, due 2 days after my wife)