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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2006
Picked up my first cig when I was 15...That's 26 years. Tough nasty habit to break too! </p>

Just wanted to wait until I had a decent starter goal under me and today is the day. I'm 1 week Nicotine Free. No pills...no gum...no snuff or chew...Just sat them down and have dealt with it! </p>

My main drive is medical though. I was told my fusion in my neck did not take and I'm facing another surgery. That sucks but I'll do what has to be done. I was told the odds on the first one taking with me being a long time smoker and sure enough...It didn't take. I sat cigs down a couple of times, only to pick them right back up. The nicotine gum anddip didn't help either. Did you know that the gum has 2 times the nicotine in it than 1 cig?</p>

The best way to quit...set them down and go cold turkey. Have good people around you supporting you. Be anti smoke..Learn to say you hate the smell and taste. Hell...I put a rubber band on my wrist and every time I had a craving, I popped it making sure it hurt and reminded me of why it was there. LOL. Believe it or not, it helped! Lots of gum and candy too! </p>

On the 4th day, I had some pretty bad headaches. IB and Aspirin didn't budge it either. My stomach kept turning also and I just had to lay still. The effects of the chemical leaving my body were happening. Its crazy how it does you. The 5th day was really hard though. I had some crazy shakes and stomach shakes almost all day. Was hard to eat anything too but thank god it was the weekend and I could just sleep through what I could! 6th day seemed so much easier and it was! </p>

It takes 3-4 days for the detox to happen and trust me...you stay off anything nicotine and it WILL happened. After that, to me, its about habit. Associating smoking with things I did. After meals, mornings (that was tough for me) and dealing with stressful situations at work. Hell...I smoked everywhere and with just about anything I did. People that know me know I was putting down a pack and a half a day, sometimes more! </p>

God it feels good to reach 1 week. I can taste things better already and my senses of smell are even better!!! My lungs actually feel like they expand more too! Truth is, the black crap on the fibers of my lungs are slowly going away and being replaced by whats supposed to be there. I feel better all the way around! </p>

Anyways....I thought I'd share this. For months now I know something was seriously wrong in my neck and pretty much knew what was coming. Hopefully, I'm wiser and ready to make it right this time.</p>

<u>Quit now if you smoke.</u> You younger guys need too! The long term effects SUCK!!!!</p>
i quit in 99 after smoking since i was a preteen.i went from a 28 waist to a 36.controlling the weight is really hard.
Yeah...That bothers me too Larry. I don't want to ruin a good thing by gaining too much weight either. I guess after I find out about my neck, I may get a bike or something to keep me exercising. I LOVE food and changing what I like to eat to what I need to eat will be tough also. Cutting out starches wont be hard...cutting out allot meat will be!
My mom and dad quit @ 60 after smoking since they were very, very young. Dad immediatley saw a difference, but Mom already had lung cancer which lead to her death.
Sorry to hear that Patrick. Its a nasty habit for sure. All smokers know this yet the addiction is just strong enough to keep thier minds off the real effects down the road.
I quit cold turkey on May 20th of last year. I did the rubberband thing and I also chewed a pack of orbit wintergreen gum every day for about 3 weeks. I have gained 25 lbs since then but it's been well worth it. I feel 100% better as a nonsmoker.
I quit smoking in 1997 and then starterd on the dip which was much worse and harder to stop! I did the rubber band thing and chewed on Bic pens and straws for a while. If you get PO'd at it and mad enough about it helps too. As Clint Eastwood said in the Josey Wales movie, "sometimes you just gotta get plumb mad dog mean!" Hang in the Bro, it will get better!
Awesome Billy! Kicking that habit has got to be one of the toughest! I never started, thank the Lord, but saw my brother come off a 2 pk a day habit after he began to develop signs of emphysema in his mid 20s. Doctor told him he wouldn't make it to his 40th bday if he didn't quit. He cold turkeyed & started running. He's 61 now & still says stopping smoking was the toughest thing he ever did.
Billy sometimes the 2nd and3rd week is worst than the first Just Hang in there and think of how much money you can spend on fishing gear. I Been Quit since 93 and love it
I quit 8 years ago after having a heart attack. The doctor told me to quit or I could have another. I was home for 4 weeks after the attack and he did give me a prescription of Welbutron (don't know if I spelled it right). I have not had one since and after a few weeks of quitting I had no desire to smoke. I found that a lot of it was mental not physical. I would be fishing and reach to my shirt pocket for a cigarette. I was not craving one just automatic reaction. Hang in there. If you are this far you can go all the way. BTW I had previously tried all the supposed cures....but they did not work. Like you said ...cold turkey is the way to go. I will be 63 in December and so far...knock on wood no more heart problem.
All kidding aside-congrats Billy! It kills me to see young kids smoking these days with all we know and the price of cigarettes. Speaking of which-what ya' gonna do with all that extra money?
To let you know how old I am, when I quit-they were 45 cents a pack!
You're right-cold turkey and tough it out. I waited till I had a bad chest cold and that made it a little easier.