Keel guard

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If you pull your boat up on cement ramps or rocky shores, they are woth the money. Not sure how easy to install. Had it done at the place I bought my boat in Illinois.
I have heard they are very simple to install basically like putting an over-sized sticker on your boat... little patience and i would think you could do it yourself..
i've been watching them on ebay,dang i missed one for about $60.00!! it was the right color and size for my 21ft boat,i've used that 3m tape at work,man once it down with all the air out,it's on there to stay!!i 'd say it's easy to install
I installed my Keel-gaurd on my boat over 3 years ago and it is still in tact and holding up very well. The best advice that I can give you is to do exactly what the directions tell you and do not take any short cuts. They are worth the time and money.
I installed mine last fall and it was easy. I took pictures of the installation. If I kind find them I will post it.
Definetly follow the directions and get a buddy to help. The hardest part was laying up under the boat working on my back. A buddy is needed to help hold it while measuring where it goes. Might have to jack the boat up with a block or pad to get the gaurd past a trailer roller. For the most part it is not hard to do. It is well worth the money for the protection.
My keelguard has been on my boat for more than 12 years. Follow the directions exactly. Don't skip any steps. It's not very hard to put on.
I had mine put on before I picked up my boat, but the instructions seem easy and straight forward. I will never own a fiberglass boat without one. It is a great cheap investment for a very expensive investment if you ever have to pull up on the bank or ramp.
well i got my Keelguard saturday and put it on sunday and took it out and tryed it out. its great you can put you boat on the ramp with no worries. it took just a little over an hour to install
had a Keel Shield for years and wouldn't own a boat without one. I've installed three on different boats and the key to making the bond permanent is surface prep. You have to be super thorough.

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