Kimbo who??

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It was stopped too soon in my opinion. Yea he was definitely dazed after the straight right, but nothing landed once they hit the mat. He was hitting him in the shoulder and the back. The kid won, fair and square, and I was shocked to see it. But the ref could have given it another 5 or 10 seconds. That sure was a rude awakening to say the least!!
I knew when got put in the ring with any real MMA fighter he would get beat. I was hoping he would last for a couple more fights and then get thrown
in the ring with Arlosvki, Mir, or maybe even Fedor. Any of the three would beat him half to death.
When they said Shamrock wasnt fighting I turned it off.Did you here what Frank Shamrock said about Ken?He said he embarassed the Shamrock name!
Man that dude caught him with a real hard short jab right in the left eye. When his knees hit that mat that dude hit KImbo with a right up side the head so hard he didn't know what hit him, it just didn't look that bad 'cause his dern head and neck is so big, Kimbo's head didn't even move. A lot of people don't realize how big Kimbo's neck and shoulders are. That mofo is humongous. Like a big razor back gorilla.

His head mighta not moved but that was a nasty blow, right in the ear and temple area. He rolled over and that guy hit him with a nasty hammer fist in the middle of Kimbo's face. That made his big ol head bounce off the mat and try to come up but the ref was in there and Kimbo wrapped up on the refs legs. Kimbo didn't have a damn clue what just happened. He was up after the fight lookin' all pissed but in a real dazed and confused sort of way, lookin' like "When's the fight start?" "Do what, I just got what?"

That dude was smart. He hunkered low and when he saw that big sonofagun comin he threw a straight low front kick but kept his right hand cocked so he could bust him if he closed that gap and after doing that only twice, he had Kimbo Slice on his knees, a brawler what looks a meathead monster coldcocked! He'll be back. They'll probably keep him on an easy card or two, but y'all know anything can happen in any fight.
Chasin'bait - 10/7/2008 11:18 AM

Man that dude caught him with a real hard short jab right in the left eye. When his knees hit that mat that dude hit KImbo with a right up side the head so hard he didn't know what hit him, it just didn't look that bad 'cause his dern head and neck is so big, Kimbo's head didn't even move. A lot of people don't realize how big Kimbo's neck and shoulders are. That mofo is humongous. Like a big razor back gorilla.

His head mighta not moved but that was a nasty blow, right in the ear and temple area. He rolled over and that guy hit him with a nasty hammer fist in the middle of Kimbo's face. That made his big ol head bounce off the mat and try to come up but the ref was in there and Kimbo wrapped up on the refs legs. Kimbo didn't have a damn clue what just happened. He was up after the fight lookin' all pissed but in a real dazed and confused sort of way, lookin' like "When's the fight start?" "Do what, I just got what?"

That dude was smart. He hunkered low and when he saw that big sonofagun comin he threw a straight low front kick but kept his right hand cocked so he could bust him if he closed that gap and after doing that only twice, he had Kimbo Slice on his knees, a brawler what looks a meathead monster coldcocked! He'll be back. They'll probably keep him on an easy card or two, but y'all know anything can happen in any fight.

I take it you really like MMA fighting.............I still think Ol' Bent Rod could whoop that Kimbo fellow, but like you said anything can happen in those fights.
I think that it was stopped way too early. He did take a powerful shot right off the bat but most of the other punches missed or were just glancing. He might not have lasted another 5 seconds but I've seen fighters take a whole lot more punishment before wailing away on the other guy.
In his time Tank Abbott was the real "pit fighter" and not Slice. Don't care how good you are, Slice showed that with 4-6oz gloves (and bare knuckles), eventually you get so punch drunk, that the wind can knock you out. Seth had a great cross or a jab, straight to the chin. What amazed me was his back was against the cage so he got no "arse" behind it! I have watched MMA, spent hundreds on fights, started in marital arts when I was 12, love it and live it. EliteXC will be heading down the road soon, they put way too much behind slice...and in that league, who is Arloski going to fight?
Im a huge mma fan and I was glad to see Kimbo go down the way he did. A street fighter is not a good representative of the sport. Any one with any mma skills will do the same to him in the next fight. Arloski's next fight is against Fedor.

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