Knots !?*!@^#%*!^

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
After seeing the way EricM rigs, I started trying to tie some new knots this week...didnt work too well. I am very old school, and havn't tied a new knot in many years, ( and I aint even that old!). So I hit the www, and came up with this site. </p></p>

Yall probably already know about it, or at least tie most of them already, but its new to me

I likes it!</p>
That is a neat site. There was a thread, I think it was last month or the month before, that gave about three or four sites that are great for knots.
It really is a neat resource. I must say, however, that the way they show the snell knot would drive me wild. I believe it would take three hands and a prehensile tail to try to follow that method! The way I do it only takes two hands and one set of teeth, and you don't even need all of the teeth!
Since I started using braided line I still use the improved clinch but I tie an over and under first as without it I have had the knot come off under pressure. If you do that you wont ever need superglue (leave your teeth at home).

North River Soccer Complex September 9th 2 pm
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EricM - 8/9/2007 7:06 PM The way I do it only takes two hands and one set of teeth, <font color="#ff0000"><u>and you don't even need all of the teeth!</u></font></font></p>

<font size="5"></font></p>

<font size="5">That really is fortunate for you!!!!!
Thanks, I'll check that out, I need a new knot. I was throwin a crank the other night. Its been tied on the same rod, reel, & line for 45 days or better, not caught many fish, no biguns, about cast 30 line stops at about 40', the dd22 continues on its way.emoScratch emoConfused emoBang Considerin my usual luck, I'm kinda suprised it didnt get eaten emoFish before I got back to it.