Large dove field needed for company shoot.

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Our company is looking for at least a 40 acre field, up to 100 acres, as long as there is a plow and tractor, is doesnt HAVE to have been planted this year in corn or other, but that is always best.</p>

If you know of a farmer looking to make a few extra dollars, please let me know.</p>
You might call the local game warden in Bradley, Meigs, Mcminn. They may know some farmers that would let you pay to play. I don't know many of them anymore (hadn't been arrested lately emoAngel ) but they are a great source sometimes.
TWRA pays about $3000 for 40 acres to lease for the public and more for more acres, just for reference....probably gonna take more than a few bucks. I personally wish they would get out of the leasing business. The farmers that used to put on really good fields for $20-30 quit and just take TWRA money now. Some of them still work at prepping and timing the fields but their heart and wallet just not into like it used to be. Having said that I have had some really good shoots and some duds in lease fields.