Laws and unintended consequences

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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I might misunderstand, but was it not Elk hunters that wanted to introduce them back to the land. Personally I don't see a problem with it. Most farmers in a wet season like we had this year would rather file the damage on insurance rather than the expense of harvesting and taking to the market. Food should be cheaper this year with all the rain we have had, but I doubt we will see it.
If they died out in the 1700's, thats just evolution doing it's job. I understand saving the animals but the human poplution has grown in that area and theres no way the two wouldn't bump heads.
They didnt die out, they were hunted to extinction. Perfect example where hunters need to be utilized to manage polulations like they do in Ky. But WNC is full of dreadlocked dope smokers and vegetarians. I didnt know corn would even grow in those rocky hills....
churly - 9/13/2013 2:30 PM They didnt die out, they were hunted to extinction. Perfect example where hunters need to be utilized to manage polulations like they do in Ky. But WNC is full of dreadlocked dope smokers and vegetarians. I didnt know corn would even grow in those rocky hills....

