Learning to tie a good knot????????????

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Aries 181

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2007
After reading Procraft's post and the replies, it got me to thinking, is there a website that shows how to tie different types of knots. I use the same knot for every line weight I use and on the light ones, ie, 8lb. and below, I can break it at the knot by hand if I pop it hard enough.

Web site that Cheez linked above is really cool. However for what it is worth, the only knot I know how to tie is an Improved Clinch. I use it on every kind of line... and on every size line. I have GREAT faith in it! It is a rare, rare day when me (or clients) break fish off. Really the only time it ever happens is if I get too lazy to retie light line after catching a big fish. But I think I can honestly say I've never had a break at the knot on a properly-tied Improved Clinch. I've occasionally learned to tie some others, but I keep going back to the "tried & true."
I posted this in the other thread - I agree, the improved clinch has always served me well, until I started using light flourocarbon. Have you tried any light flurocarbon with the improved clinch?
I think that studies show that the palomar knot is one of the strongest per line weight and is easiest to tie. The only problem with it is that you have to be able to pass a doubled line through the line tie in the lure. If there is only enough space to put a single line through the line tie I use a uni knot. It's much easier and faster to tie than the improved clinch knot in my experience and I can tie it almost blindfolded. As my eyes age I find that it's a better knot for me than the improved clinch. I used to use the improved clinch all the time and never had a problem with it. I just can't tie it nearly as fast as the uni.
Ronnie Garrison - 5/26/2008 8:59 AM

I posted this in the other thread - I agree, the improved clinch has always served me well, until I started using light flourocarbon. Have you tried any light flurocarbon with the improved clinch?

No... I don't really like flourocarbon except for leader material. I've had bad experiences putting flourocarbon on spinning reels.
Polo about covered all I was going to say about this. I tie the uni-knot nearly all the time. Nothing wrong with the improved clinch knot except at my age, my fingers are as nimble as they used to be and the uni is an easy knot to tie and if properly done, it is as good as the IC knot. I have landed very big fish with the uni and never had knot failure yet except in the cases that Richard mentioned. If I fail to retie after catching several fish, especially big fish. emoGeezer
My knots: Rapala Knot for crankbaits, Palomar (for jigs/spinner baits), Improved Clinch (mainly on topwaters like spooks if I tie the line on top of the "eye" real tight), Blood knots to add more line on my spool, and the arbor for attaching to the spool
A BIG thanks to Cheez for the link and to everyone else for their comments. I too use the improved clinch for all my line weights but I can break the line at the knot on 4-8 lb. if I pop it hard enough. This Grog guy says not to use the IC on lines over 12 lbs. so I'll start using the Uni-knot or the Trilene knot after I practice tying them a few times.

Thanks Again,
I use a loop knot for crank's, worms, jigs and more. The loop will allow the bait to work much better.  I have been using this one type loop knot for years with great strength success.  In fact this is the very knot I came up with several years ago to attach my shark leaders to my 200lb power-pro. It is very simular to the Rapala Loop except  for the final tag end direction.  In the Cosmos Loop the tag points back and will not collect water vegies. It will not slip out with the super braids.  I called it "Cosmos Loop".  It is very quick and simple to tie. Here is a link to a pic for tying instructions -  http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c123/Crabbyfiddler/Cosmos_loop_knot.gif
You can also go to fishingclub.com its North american fisherman's website but a lot of info and animated knots
I used to tie the palomar knot only. Then one day I went fishing with the Drumking and he showed me how to tie the uni knot. He said "once you learn how to tie this knot youll never tie anything else"...well I can tell ..he was right. The great thing about the uni knot is it can be used so many different ways...regular knot..loop knot...tieing two lines together...attaching line to a spool...many others...and this knot is SUPER STRONG when tied correctly. I have done some testing and compared it to several other knots....the uni almost never breaks at the knot. Just my input.

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