Stop tossing me softballs Spur lol. First, the entire premise of your picture is false. There is no hypocrisy that I see, or as a responsible gun owner have experienced, nor have have been made to feel that I am a terrorist because I own a gun. It must be a figment of the NRA's imagination. However I will point out some hypocrisy for you: A terrorist attempted to board a plane with a bomb in his shoe. Now all of us have to take our shoes off before boarding a plane, yet I don't see you jumping up and down having a hissy fit. But try to require back ground checks for all gun sales and suggesting a ban military style weapons and you're having a stroke. I've heard guys talking about the fact that a gun left alone never killed anyone. While a true statement it completely misses the point. I have a car in my driveway. Left alone it will never break any traffic laws, run someone down, crash causing injury or death. Like the gun, it just sits there. But unlike the gun, I have to demonstrate to a gov't employee that I can drive it and pass a test before they will give me a license. I have to register the car, and re-resgister every year there after. If I sell the car the new owner has to register it also. Even when the car is crap and ready for the junk yard I have to produce a title to get someone to turn it into scrap metal. Yet guns can be traded after the original purchase un regulated. Yet you're ok with that. Someone please explain to me how "a well regulated militia" as described in the 2nd Amendment gets twisted into an over-armed, unregulated populace. The 2nd Amendment does not guarantee your ownership of any kind of weapon you want. Just as the 1st Amendment (free speech) doesn't give the right to slander and perjury. The President's gun policy does absolutely nothing to restrict our ability to own firearms for the purposes of hunting, sporting personal and property protection. According to a recent poll, even a majority of NRA members are in favor of background checks on all gun sales. While most of you seem "up in arms" so to speak about Sen's Corker and Alexander supporting common sense weapon laws, I applaud them for having the courage to do what is right even though down here in the south, guns and bible thumping rule the day. They actually had the balls to do what is right even though it will cost them votes. And no spnplgr, I'm a proud liberal, a gun owner and sportsman, We're not coming after your guns. That statement is about as asinine as livliner's assertion that the 2nd Amendment gives you the right to shoot a gov't official.