Lifetime sportsman

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Yes, every state license is covered, but not Federal Waterfowl Stamp and some sort of local Reelfoot Lake permit.

I've had mine long enough that it is now paying for itself... it almost feels like the state is paying ME to hunt and fish. emoBigsmile

It hurts upfront, and how long it takes to pay for itself really depends upon how much you hunt or fish (how much you spend on Tenn. licenses), and how much value you assign to convenience. I always bought a Sportmans License anyway, so when I bought my Lifetime I calculated it would take 8 or 9 years to reach "payoff."

I should add that when I told my wife, she asked, "So if you die before than do I get the money back?" Glad that I have at least outlived that question. emoBigsmile
 "So if you die before than do I get the money back?" </p>

Check the brakes every time you pull out of the driveway.</p>

Check with the TWRA or the info is in the regulations books you can get at the license agents.
Makes a great Christmas present if you know any children that will most likely hunt or fish. A real bargin for kids under the age of 3.</p>

The cost of this special license is determined by the age of the applicant as follows:</p>

•Under 3 years of age - $200.00</p>

•3 years of age but less than 7 years of age - $540.00</p>

•7 years of age but less than 13 years of age - $810.00</p>

•13 years of age but less than 51 years of age - $1,620.00</p>

•51 years of age but less than 65 years of age - $945.00 </p>

•65 years of age or older - $270.00</p>

This license is good for the life of the holder even if the license holder moves out of state. In addition to the Lifetime Sportsman License card applicants will receive a certificate suitable for framing and you canadd a custommessagewhich makes this special license a natural gift for children or grandchildren. Revenue from the sale of the Lifetime Sportsman License will be set aside in a permanent trust fund from which only the interest will be used to finance programs designed to manage wildlife and preserve the heritage of hunting and fishing in Tennessee. </p>
I love mine. I only have to make a trip to the store each year once for a duck stamp. I never have to worry if the permit I have covers where I am.