"Lincoln" review (by EricM)

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Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
Mary and I went to see "Lincoln".


No zombies, no vampires, no wizards, no naked people, no computerized impossible stunts.

Just a world-class handling of one of our toughest times in history. I was on the edge of my seat, even knowing the final outcome. The politics and the dissention of the period are the perfect counterpoint to the intelligence and humor of a man who turned out to be a great leader and American. My respect for President Lincoln has grown a great deal. This is not a dry history lesson. This is a personal look at the immense weight of the civil war and slavery, and the ugly fight to end both.

In my opinion, this film deserves nominations for best film and best actor. I WILL be seeing this one again.
Our American History of that time has always intrigued me. Glad to see a great review on this Eric. Cant wait to see it!
I have about 13 books on Lincoln. I can't wait to see it. Most people don't know that every member of his cabinet thought they were more qualified to be president. Lincolcn, was able to get past the animosity, rivalarys and ideological political differences. He had selected each one because they were extremly smart and very good at what they did. Getting them to work with each other is what defined Lincolns leadership. For instance, Steward worked as Secreatary of State and prevented any foriegn power to enter the war. Think about it, if a foriegn country assisted either side, what obligations would the victor now have to the intervening country and how that may have changed everything today? Most folks also don't know that an attempt on his life was made the same night Lincoln was assinated. Good review Eric!
EricM - 11/19/2012 10:13 PM

Mary and I went to see "Lincoln".


No zombies, no vampires, no wizards, no naked people, no computerized impossible stunts.

Just a world-class handling of one of our toughest times in history. I was on the edge of my seat, even knowing the final outcome. The politics and the dissention of the period are the perfect counterpoint to the intelligence and humor of a man who turned out to be a great leader and American. My respect for President Lincoln has grown a great deal. This is not a dry history lesson. This is a personal look at the immense weight of the civil war and slavery, and the ugly fight to end both.

In my opinion, this film deserves nominations for best film and best actor. I WILL be seeing this one again.

For the sake of debate... is the story a true depiction of the time and circumstances, or simply the Director's "interpretation" of the time and circumstances?

I haven't seen it, so can't speak directly to Lincoln, but my general feelings about any historical docudrama have never been the same since Oliver Stone's JFK. I've come to believe that even a carefully crafted presentation of facts can in the end, equal a lie.

Yes, I am a cynic.
Eric, I agree 100%. I have been a avid reader of Lincoln's story since I was 15. I have numerous books on his life and term as President, probably more that 20. I have to say, that it is extremely historically accurate, right down to his depression and love of story telling. I found myself tearing up at the oddest times in the movie. For me, Daniel Day Lewis became Lincoln, with all of the mannerisms that have made me love Lincoln. The only part of the movie that truly bothered me was when he was shot. I wish they had not included it. I say that for selfish reasons, because I can't read about it, or see it depicted without crying. To do that in a theater makes people look at you kind of oddly! Two authors I can recommend are Gore Vidal, with "Lincoln" and Honore Willsie Morrow, with" Great Captain". There is another book but the author escapes me, but the book is called "With Malice Toward None". "Team of Rivals" is also wonderful. Great movie, and when it comes out, it will be part of my collection for sure.
Thanks for the thoughts and review. I'm kind of a history buff myself. The war of 1861-1865 is most interesting as we can read volumes on it and visit the places where history took place. I often wonder what kind of country we would have if Lincoln had lived after the war.