Liveliner, Chickamauga, Gills and Crackers, May 01, 2015, Solo

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Aug 6, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
I fished the Old Honey hole that produced the Win in the 2nd Crackerfest. And this spot is still producing... I had a craving for some Bluegills Fillets and Cornbread..</p>

I kept 20 chunky Bluegills and 15 Shellcrackers. The biggest Shellcracker measured at 11.75"</p>



Yea my freezer is kinda empty... Nice job though, I know I have my work cutout for me finding a "honey hole".
Liveliner, don't suppose you would give me a general area to start, I haven't been able to get out there for almost a month. I'm missing out on all the action!

Great Post LL, I was hospitalized all last Spring and missed that gill and cracker fishing...seeing your pics made me get my 4 bream rods out and oil 'em up and put all new line on 'em. Going to go Monday and check some sloughs for a tug or two on my line....cant wait. Thanks for a fine report and keep 'em coming! emoToast
That big shellcracker can get you a TARP certificate from the TWRA (over 11 in.), see their web site. Good looking mess of gills and crackers!
Wow! I've been missing your reports! glad you got on them. Those are some healthy fish. I think one of my favorite things in the whole world is taking kids and getting them on some bigguns! But you hit the jackpot on this one!

Mr. S - 5/3/2015 3:52 AM Liveliner, don't suppose you would give me a general area to start, I haven't been able to get out there for almost a month. I'm missing out on all the action! :bobber4:

Why not.. At the mouth of a slough known to have Cracker beds in the back of the slough. You should find them near the Mouth of those sloughs in a wad in Rocks and pebbles feeding on small shells in about Four feet of water . I found these about 15 feet from the bank in 4' deep water. A big wad of backyard redworms worked far better than crickets.If you find one you have found a Limit. They are holding tight in their feeding areas staging for the right signs to move on back into the Pebble Bars to go on beds... Good Luck.. I had forgotten just how great Gills and especially Crackers tastes.</p>


There was no item in the photo to get a true perspective on how huge those Bluegills were. I wish I had put something in the photo...They covered my man hand and I suspect several over 3/4 lb..