I'm sorry for your loss. I don't know the details of their accident-I hope they were being cautious and safety minded. Sometimes that's still not enough.
I've been on a "bandwagon" for a few years now-and I hope you don't mind if I use your post to express my concerns about the lack of respect I see in ATV use in our area. like I said-I'm not familiar with this accident and am sorry for your loss.
It's just that I'm reminded every day when I drive past my neighbor's house and know their son (who was about 20 at the time of his accident) is in his full support wheellchair and is pretty much totally reliant on FULL time care and will be for life.
Any of you living in Dade county know Adam York's situation. A helmet would probably made a big difference!
Yet, I watch these young kids fly around the neighborhood on ATV' too big for them-sometimes 3 or 4 on it with no protection.
Yes-I'm know as the old a-hole on the corner calling the cops and trying to wake these kids up to the danger.
Once again-sorry to hi-jack your thread, but-it's something we all see happen and when it turns out bad-it really affects a lot of people.s lives.