When TVA began placing "Fish Consumption Warnings" around the dams I thought I would just stop consuming "caught" fish altogether. ( Had some health issues too )</p>
But some recent web searching on the subject and noticing fish prices at grocery stores ( not to mention finding ways to make the cost of fishing a little more justifyable ! )have caused me to re-think the matter. So I plan tokeep some small catfish as well as some bream, crappie, sauger/saugeye/walleye that I catch. </p>
I have missed the old days when my granddad and I would go "meat-fishing" I can still see the wide-eyed look of my grandma when we would walk up to the house stringing a "fine mess of fish". I knew the reason she was hopping up from her porch swing was to start making hush puppies ! emoHungry </p>
I am NOT advocating fish consumption for everyone and I am certainly NOT an expert on the matter. I would still advise caution for those noted on the warning posts ( pregnant & children ) I am only saying that God made them tasty and a very important part of a healthy diet and I plan to consume again. </p>
Also I found it interesting that "bottom-feeding" fish such as,one of my dining favorites, catfish are among the least mercury contaminated species of fish ! http://www.tva.gov/environment/air/ontheair/merc_emis.htm</p>
Does anyone have any advise on making consumption generally more safe ... like trimming away the fat since it might contain more mercury or pollutants than flesh ???</p>
Also any other species of local fish that taste very good that I have omitted here ? I knew an elderlywoman once that LOVED to eat common carp and I must admit that the flesh looked very good but I just never got around to trying it.</p>
I will try to pay more attention to, and contribute to, the Recipe forum now !</p>
But some recent web searching on the subject and noticing fish prices at grocery stores ( not to mention finding ways to make the cost of fishing a little more justifyable ! )have caused me to re-think the matter. So I plan tokeep some small catfish as well as some bream, crappie, sauger/saugeye/walleye that I catch. </p>
I have missed the old days when my granddad and I would go "meat-fishing" I can still see the wide-eyed look of my grandma when we would walk up to the house stringing a "fine mess of fish". I knew the reason she was hopping up from her porch swing was to start making hush puppies ! emoHungry </p>
I am NOT advocating fish consumption for everyone and I am certainly NOT an expert on the matter. I would still advise caution for those noted on the warning posts ( pregnant & children ) I am only saying that God made them tasty and a very important part of a healthy diet and I plan to consume again. </p>
Also I found it interesting that "bottom-feeding" fish such as,one of my dining favorites, catfish are among the least mercury contaminated species of fish ! http://www.tva.gov/environment/air/ontheair/merc_emis.htm</p>
Does anyone have any advise on making consumption generally more safe ... like trimming away the fat since it might contain more mercury or pollutants than flesh ???</p>
Also any other species of local fish that taste very good that I have omitted here ? I knew an elderlywoman once that LOVED to eat common carp and I must admit that the flesh looked very good but I just never got around to trying it.</p>
I will try to pay more attention to, and contribute to, the Recipe forum now !</p>