Local Rod Builders

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2006
East Ridge
I am looking to keep my hard earned money local and buy a couple of new rods. I see a lot of good deals on the China made rods, but am going to look local and then USA made. I have several USA made rods, including an old Skyline Graphite my mother bought for my dad in 1978 for Christmas. I have a mix of castaway, falcon, all-star, etc. I also have one technique specifice dropshot rod my wife purchased from Joe Rogers to give me as an anniversary gift a few years back.

Anyone got any advice about local rod makers?
Fat Albert (on the forum) is a rod builder. I saw some of his work last night and he does a great job. The wraps were beautiful. He has about 30 years experience and the rods I saw last night proved it.

I also know someone else if you want to PM me.
I had Fat Albert make my daughter a rod, and it is awesome! Had him fix a bunch, and "reclaim" a rod caught from below Nickajack that you would not believe from start to finish.
In addition to previous mentioned FA, Joe Burns and John Miles both in Cleveland build rods.
Patrick, for the type of fishing you do either the snoopy rod or the rocket rods at Wal-mart would be acceptable.

FA fixed and cleaned up some for me last winter as well and did a phenomenal job. I mean joe burns, not joe rogers when I said my wife had bought me a rod.
i will throw another shout out for FA's rods i had him build me a custom dock shoot'en crappie rod to match the colors on my bullet and i love it emoThumbsup i also have quite a few john miles rods that i love dearly .
if you want a joe burns rod Smokey Mountain Tackle here in cleveland has a good number of those in stock right now
My good buddy FA is the man. I have one of his as well.emoThumbsup He does like to make those dang spinning rods though. It took me forever to get him to build me a casting rod.emoRolleyes But once he did it is a beutiful rod and has some great feel.

I am also going to throw out John The Fisherman (JTF) here on the forum as well. He has built a couple for tournaments and they were extremely good as well. We have some great talent on the forum.emoWorthy Jmax

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