Location advice/chickamauga dam reports?

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end of flesh

Jun 7, 2015
I went out yesterday evening for the first time in a few months. I normally trout fish up in Reliance. Yesterday decided to try for a few crappie. I fished over under wolftever bridge using minnows and bobby garlands. Didn't get a bite. I was there from about 330pm to around 730. Noone else there was getting bites either.

I plan to try again today. Any advice on some good spots in the chattanooga area? I was thinking of trying below chickamauga dam, but I've heard they're spilling. Normally when I go there I'll fish for anything. Does anyone know what's biting there? I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks
White bass have been pretty active, the crappie bite slowed since last big rain. Few crappie can be caught on either side, but no limit in daylight. Never use minnows, but I'm sure it won't hurt. Fish seem to be a bit deeper than normal 10-20'
Consider gettin your shoes muddy in a shallow slough with brush in5-10'good luck!
Lake Jr. On Amnicola Hwy is open for fishing FSS and has been stocked with trout.

Pink or green Powerbait
Thanks for the reply. Ill probably go for them white bass then. They're always fun. If it's spilling below, should I still try for em up close by the wall or down by the railroad? I've never fished there while spilling. Also what's a good rig/setup to use? I'm restricted to bank fishing
Ohhh nice. Didn't know that. Do people do good there? I've never fished for trout in a body of water like that. What's the presentation? Still fishing with a bobber?
Personally I would start at railroad and end behind greenhouses/ powerlines
Gotcha. Someone replied about trout at lake junior. I've never fished for trout in a lake/pond. Is it worth it? How would you even present the bait? With a bobber?

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