Looking for a 20 Ga. Semi-Auto for Daughter

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
Cartersville, GA
My daughter called me tonight and said she wanted a 20 gauge Auto for her graduation present (She lives in Florida).
The ultimate redneck high school graduation gift. Made me proud!

So if any CFF's had one that they are interested in selling send me an IM with the details about the gun.
Something to consider before purchasing a gun. Just saying sorry for excess info if you already know this. :)

What does she intend to use the gun for? Hunting game birds, Turkey hunting, small game hunting, deer hunting or just for self defense in her apartment/house?

I'm bringing this up because a long barreled gun is better than no gun at all for home defense; but a short barrel is much easier to use and aim in smaller places.
Plus - An auto is faster shooting but; A pump action is more reliable for home defense and the sound of chambering a round in a pump shotgun is one of the most recognizable sounds in the world. That sound alone in a dark place could be enough to scare off would be bad guys!