Looking for a fishing league

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I think he is just looking for a club where the members are all on a similar level. He may be like many others and only get to fish occasionally not multiple times per week. Hard to beat time on the water. Me... I am lucky to get to the lake once every couple of weeks.While I don't mind getting my tail whipped in a tournament (which is pretty much all of them) because it helps you get better. It is nice to be competitive every now and then... good for morale anyway. :)
Thats not going to change the fact that Chickamauga has the biggest bass in the nation. A 5lb average is normal in most TX's. You'd have to fish a different lake to see smaller sacks of bass. Just pull up your Bill Dance underware and fish to win! IMO/.
I'm aware of that, not saying I haven't got lucky and caught a 20 pound bag, I mis worded it wrong I was really referring to a club that doesn't have people on the lake almost everyday.
i say "belly up to the bar!" seriously dont shy away from the competition, it can make you better if you use it as motivation. and from what ive learned over the last 18mos, on Chick if youre not purposely fishing for 5+lbers youre going to kick your teeth kicked in.
FishingwithRusty - 3/12/2018 12:09 PM

i say "belly up to the bar!" seriously dont shy away from the competition, it can make you better if you use it as motivation. and from what ive learned over the last 18mos, on Chick if youre not purposely fishing for 5+lbers youre going to kick your teeth kicked in.

Hit the nail on the head. It doesn't matter if you're fishing the CBA, CFF, or a little 15 boat scramble. Someone is going to weigh in a sack that averages 5lb/fish most of the year.
I must suck a lot more than I thought... I have been fishing on the Chick for about 4 years now... going when I can maybe twice a month or three times when I am lucky. I fish a few random tournaments every now and then as well... Not only have I never weighed in a bag like that I have never even caught 20lb in a day period no matter how many fish I caught.... well there was that one day when I hired Rogne as a guide and probably came close to that when I hired Chris Hight as a guide... I coached competitive softball on the national level for years and was a high school coach that won state championships so I do understand that competition makes you better... I also understand that you have to learn to win and to do that you need to start with equal competition as best you can and work your way up. Otherwise it can be very discouraging. It is super easy for guys who are on the lake all the time to say suck it up and put your big boy pants on... new guys are just easy money for you to win from. This time of the year.. yes pretty much anyone can hit a 10lber in the head but in a few months it will be all about time on the water and learning the lake.... I don't mind donating every now and then when I know the competition is out of my league but sometimes it is nice to be in the hunt.
Blue76, the lil club I'm in will be hosting small dog fights out of Chester frost park the first Thursday of every month from 6 to 9. We may have a spot or 2 in our club left. From the sounds of what u r looking for, we r it. $40 club fee $20 per tournament per person. No guides, cba members or pros. Just a group of weekend anglers pretty much fishing for bragging rights. But I don't know if he is still accepting new members or not. I'll find out if u think u may be I retested or come to the next dog fight April 5th about 530 pm and look for green FJ CRUISER and talk to jake.
[/QUOTE]FishingwithRusty.com./SamTheDog from what ive learned over the last 18mos, on Chick if youre not purposely fishing for 5+lbers youre going to kick your teeth kicked in.[/QUOTE] Yup!

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