Richard, I bet you remember when I got my boat last Summer - I have the G3 1860 SC (not the deluxe model, but the Gator tough version) and a Yamaha F90 4-Stroke. It has been a great boat for me so far and Yamaha 4-Strokes (like Hondas) are well known for their reliability, quite running, and fuel efficiency.
I wanted an 1860 size Jon boat ever since I went out into Pensacola Bay in 3-4ft seas and saw how stable they could be (going slow of course), plus I needed one light enough to be able to launch on my own that I'm not afraid of getting scratched or dented while having tons of room for my family to lay out in the summer time. I liked the SC better than the CC since there is more room for folks to move around. I also wanted the simplicity of being able to just hose it all down. The G3 1860 or a SeaArk 1660 is what I wanted, but it turned out I could get the G3 1860-F90 (fully rigged) for the less than a bare SeaArk 1660-F50, so I went with the bigger boat and am satisfied with that decision because the F90 can also pull me skiing, but it sure is tough to jack-knife and then thread into my garage. Flat bottoms run shallower and I read are good for river drift fishing since they allow for a slower drift. I'm sure you already know the disadvantages are speed and a rough ride.
I specifically wanted a Honda or Yamaha based on my experience with friends and family members boats in FL. I just saw so many Yamahas down there and figured if the big boys trust them for going 70 miles offshore then I should consider them as well, plus all the past JD Powers awards. Another friend has a sweet Honda 225 on his diving boat I really liked too. The only reason I chose Yamaha over Honda was dealer location and the fact that the Yamaha had EFI, which starts instantly with no bulb priming, even in freezing weather. Hondas may now have EFI as well. Another thing about the Yamaha's are the remote control units, very high quality and precise ignition. My old Tracker/Johnson was cheap plastic ignition that came unscrewed and popped out on me driving back to the marina one year and eventually had to be replaced after only a few years. After a few months the replaced one got a short in it or something and started to randomly blow primary engine fuses, so I now place more value on RC units than I used to.
These 2 Threads are from when I bought the boat - one has a link to some pics:
There is probably not a whole lot of difference in the models so if you want to test drive mine next week just let me know.