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Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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I hear you!  The forum is supposed to be about local fishermen helping local fishermen.  I will say that part of the lack of response to your request may relate to the age of your engine and the fact that Evinrude sadly has been no more for a while.  I understand parts and the knowledge to work on the old engines is getting harder and harder to come by.  I hope someone posts soon with a recommendation for you.  I've thought about it and this one is a tough one.  Most if not all of the dealer service departments are busy and / or just don't want to mess with this which is a shame and they do charge 2 arms and 3 legs.  Shop rates in this day of inflation and high prices are pretty steep.  Those older engines were often bullet proof if not thirsty.  My brother had a early 80's 70 hp Rude that you couldn't kill.  It just ran and ran and then ran some more. I hope you get a contact name soon.
