polo-dog - 10/9/2008 1:04 AM
There is a possibility that bullfrog tadpoles might still be available in some ponds as from what I remember bullfrog tadpoles stay tadpoles from when they hatch in the spring until the next fall when they change into a frog. The tadpoles that were hatched this spring should still be tadpoles. Just find a pond that has a lot of bullfrogs and you should be able to find some tadpoles in the pond. You might be able to use a 1/4 inch cast net to catch some or find some in vegetation.
</p>reliable - 10/9/2008 12:03 PM We have a little 2 acre pond that always has big tadpoles - at least it did a few weeks ago when the boys were "exploring", I am in the red bank area, just off of HWY 27, be glad to walk you down there and have the boys dip net up a bunch. PM me if you are interested