Lost my motorcycle helmet on the lake.

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Feb 5, 2023
emoAngry Went fishing mid morning and it was so cold I wore my motocycle helmet. It is black and is a 2XL with a full face shield. Apparently after it warmed up I had laid it down on the boat and unknown to me it must of blown out when I moved. If anyone by chance picked up my helmet or hears of someone that found one today please let them know it is mine. I know the chances of finding it are not likely but doesn't hurt to ask. Those things are full of styrofoam so it should float. I went back twice and retranced where I had been and never saw. I believe someone must have seen it floating and picked it up.emoRolleyes Jmax
Man i hate to here that, good luck on getting it back,,, dont want to count the times ive done that with my life jacket.. luckly its bright enough that i was able to find it..emoBang

Puddle ..emoUSA

Sorry for your bad luck....but...it your looking to replace your helmet, a friend of mine has a used hemlet, and some other boat related stuff to sell. since he has sold his boat.

if you need his name and no. let me know......so far every thing his has sold, he's sold at a really good price
Jmax, I bet you'll find it. Seems like I remember you finding a topwater lure you lost once about a week later.
Gator - 12/1/2007 9:18 AM

Jmax, I bet you'll find it. Seems like I remember you finding a topwater lure you lost once about a week later.

emoUpsmile Try about 2 and a half weeks later!!!emoLaugh I am on the water too much. I will tell you another one. I was fishing where I always do in the post spawn this past summer and saw a brand new deep diving N just about a foot under the water suspended off the bottom hung on some line about four foot up. It was just like the ones I use. I got my net and reached down to it and got it unhung with the net. I had just lost one about a week before in another area and I thought it wierd that one just like I lost would be there for the taking. About two weeks later I was talking to Mad Dog who goes with me every now and then and mentioned it. He said he had lost one just like I use. He had been with me a couple times and he decided real quick to get a couple.emoBigsmile I asked him where exactly he lost it and it was the one he had lost.emoEek Is that not a chance in a million or what.emoWorthy Jmax
Yep, I am meeting him tomorrow and he is going to sell me his that he no longer uses. Thanks again,.....emoThumbsup Jmax