All cashion elite rods all in good shape alittle boat rash but not bad
7’1Michael Neal chatter bait fast med-hvy $100
7’ fast med-hvy $100 (2 of these)
7’ mod-fast med-hvy $100
7’3 mod fast med-hvy. $100
7’6 mod fast med-hvy. $100
7’6 fast-hvy $100
7’6 mod fast-hvy $100 (2 of these)
7’11 xd mod fast hvy $125
7’11 fast-hvy. $125
Reels some boat rash but not bad shape all work like they should
Lews speed spool lfs ($50 each)
3 7:5:1
2 5:6:1
Speed spool bb1 carbon handles an upgraded bearings ($100)
3 6:4:1
Txt corey 4237185044 for faster response
7’1Michael Neal chatter bait fast med-hvy $100
7’ fast med-hvy $100 (2 of these)
7’ mod-fast med-hvy $100
7’3 mod fast med-hvy. $100
7’6 mod fast med-hvy. $100
7’6 fast-hvy $100
7’6 mod fast-hvy $100 (2 of these)
7’11 xd mod fast hvy $125
7’11 fast-hvy. $125
Reels some boat rash but not bad shape all work like they should
Lews speed spool lfs ($50 each)
3 7:5:1
2 5:6:1
Speed spool bb1 carbon handles an upgraded bearings ($100)
3 6:4:1
Txt corey 4237185044 for faster response