Lower Chick this morn 10/3/2006

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Sep 18, 2006
E. Brainerd
Got on the water from W/T around 0900 and played for a couple of hours. Fished topwater BB and only boated three, the biggest being about 2 lbs. I tied on a SB, made a beautiful cast, and missed a fish. Went to throw back in there and caught my buddy's line which sent my SB flyin. Of course Muryphy showed up and I realized that was the last SB I had with me. I guess you could always wish you'd caught more, but it was a good morning to be on the water.
RE: Lower Chick this morn

Murphy shows up more often than not. Murphy has lost me a ton of fish over the years. I always wonder how the little devils KNOW I am about to scratch my nose and decided to hit at that precise moment! Or how the one color and lure that is catching fish gets lost. Yep ole' Murphy can really be a bummer sometime.
RE: Lower Chick this morn

Yeah, what gets me is I just bought six new SB's last week and put them in the boat. But by golly they were nowhere to be found today when I needed one. Maybe I'm experiencing early onset Alzheimers.