Well-known member
this report is actually from tues through sat 4/29 to 5/3 . its just with my wifes birthday coming up and the youngest
boy learning new tricks (2 yo) like climbing over all the gates in the house and out of the crib at night AND out of the playpen i have been too busy once i get home to post a report emoDoh
Tuesdays lunch break was spent at a section of candies creek that was loaded up with very nice looking long ears and
bluegill with a couple of small coosa bass thrown in. lure of choice (as was most of the week) was a purple/char
curly tail or a pearl curly tail crappie jig on a 1/32 jig tossed very close to cover. got about 12 total fish this lunch hour
wed. was on a pond on the west side of cleveland only wound up with 4 bass in an hour. all on the smallish side
but they where hitting a DJW char/white buzz bait so it was still fun ( i love the topwater bite !!!)
Thursdays lunch was a pond on the south side of cleveland and the day i got SPOOLED
started out trying for crappie but they had other ideas. got a couple of nice bluegill then a HARD thump
on the FA crappie sniper w/10lb yellow hivis braid(4lb dia) but a little bitty 1/32 oz light wire jig and purple/char
curly tail. i twitched the rod to set the hook and was immediately greeted by a rod bending drag screaming 50 yard
run emoEek . she slowed down a bit and i reeled down to the water tried to put some pressure on her to turn her
as she went under the bridge that goes to an island in the pond giving me no chance to walk the bank during the fight
emoDoh . well that did nothing but tick her of some more and another 20 yrds of line went screaming out.
this went on for almost 20 min i would get back 5 or 10 she would take 20 or 30 untill i was at the end of the 150 yds
of line i had . i had no choice i had to pressure her until she either turned or the hook came out .......
"pop" the hook came out emoBawl ...... i believe it was one of the larger cats that reside in this pond (glockjr has landed a 9 and a 10lb channel form here) because she kept going for the bottom and i never got to see her......
i did manage one little bass and a 5 1/2 lb carp that put up a very nice fight both on the same color jig before returning to work.
Friday was at the same pond as wed and managed 4 decent bass this time though it was 2 on the djw buzz bait
and 2 on a strike king coffee tube. quick released 3 or 4 on the coffee tube emoDoh
saturdays lunch (had to work) was back at the same pond i got spooled on thurs. this time i brought a bigger stick
along with the crappie sniper. today though the crappie where more cooperative and i got 10 keeper size with one being around 13 inches plus a nice 3-1/2 lb LM that hit the purple/char curly tail but during his jump out of the water
sent it zipping past my head emoBadLanguage
picked up my bigger stick with a coffee tube rigged on a shakey head jig and tossed it to the spot she hit the crappie
jig. it didnt take to long before she bit that and this time she couldn't shake free emoTongue
not a bad week of lunch breaks
oh by the way my "fishing lunch break diet" has resulted in a loss of 25lbs in the past 6 months and i am glad i kept
all the 40" waist pants i had . emoDance
boy learning new tricks (2 yo) like climbing over all the gates in the house and out of the crib at night AND out of the playpen i have been too busy once i get home to post a report emoDoh
Tuesdays lunch break was spent at a section of candies creek that was loaded up with very nice looking long ears and
bluegill with a couple of small coosa bass thrown in. lure of choice (as was most of the week) was a purple/char
curly tail or a pearl curly tail crappie jig on a 1/32 jig tossed very close to cover. got about 12 total fish this lunch hour
wed. was on a pond on the west side of cleveland only wound up with 4 bass in an hour. all on the smallish side
but they where hitting a DJW char/white buzz bait so it was still fun ( i love the topwater bite !!!)
Thursdays lunch was a pond on the south side of cleveland and the day i got SPOOLED
started out trying for crappie but they had other ideas. got a couple of nice bluegill then a HARD thump
on the FA crappie sniper w/10lb yellow hivis braid(4lb dia) but a little bitty 1/32 oz light wire jig and purple/char
curly tail. i twitched the rod to set the hook and was immediately greeted by a rod bending drag screaming 50 yard
run emoEek . she slowed down a bit and i reeled down to the water tried to put some pressure on her to turn her
as she went under the bridge that goes to an island in the pond giving me no chance to walk the bank during the fight
emoDoh . well that did nothing but tick her of some more and another 20 yrds of line went screaming out.
this went on for almost 20 min i would get back 5 or 10 she would take 20 or 30 untill i was at the end of the 150 yds
of line i had . i had no choice i had to pressure her until she either turned or the hook came out .......
"pop" the hook came out emoBawl ...... i believe it was one of the larger cats that reside in this pond (glockjr has landed a 9 and a 10lb channel form here) because she kept going for the bottom and i never got to see her......
i did manage one little bass and a 5 1/2 lb carp that put up a very nice fight both on the same color jig before returning to work.
Friday was at the same pond as wed and managed 4 decent bass this time though it was 2 on the djw buzz bait
and 2 on a strike king coffee tube. quick released 3 or 4 on the coffee tube emoDoh
saturdays lunch (had to work) was back at the same pond i got spooled on thurs. this time i brought a bigger stick
along with the crappie sniper. today though the crappie where more cooperative and i got 10 keeper size with one being around 13 inches plus a nice 3-1/2 lb LM that hit the purple/char curly tail but during his jump out of the water
sent it zipping past my head emoBadLanguage
picked up my bigger stick with a coffee tube rigged on a shakey head jig and tossed it to the spot she hit the crappie
jig. it didnt take to long before she bit that and this time she couldn't shake free emoTongue
not a bad week of lunch breaks
oh by the way my "fishing lunch break diet" has resulted in a loss of 25lbs in the past 6 months and i am glad i kept
all the 40" waist pants i had . emoDance