Main lake fishing, Chickamauga 7/4

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
May 29, 2005
Harrison TN
Fished with our fearless leader DHaun tonight on a main lake area that has a huge amount of baitfish and other goodies for the fish to gorge themselves on. We went out at about 6:45pm from Wolftever and went to catch some bait where jason and I had seen some schools last night. I threw the net a few times at some schools( very poorly Ii might add) and didn't catch but one small bream. DHaun threw a crank bait while I cast the net and caght two small bass. DHaun had brought his "secret bait" and we proceded to my "secret fishing hole" out on the main lake and there was tons of activity. Early we caught a 10 lb blue cat and we saw bass busting shad on top and DHaun and I threw to them with topwater baits and caught quite a few. Not as many as Jmax but still lots of fun. We stayed in the same area until around 10:30 and caught one more cat in the 8-10 lb range that broke me off at the boat. Both of the blues caught were on the lip of an underwater bluff that drops from ~25 to 45 feet. The bass were schooling over an underwater hump over 14-18 feet of water. DHaun caught two crappies while vertical jigging and DHaun was under the impression that his "secret bait" had chummed the bass, crappies and catfish to our boat and soon after dark it precipitated a huge mayfly hatch that attracted large fish blasting near the boat but not hitting our lures. We caught both of the blues on the "secret bait but I'm not so sure about the rest of the things that were attributed to the stinky stuff. I had a great time and I learned a lot about the way DHaun thinks when he fishes, just as I learned from jason when we went out last night on the Chick. I encourage you all to get out and meet some of the great fishermen and fisherwomen on the forum. Every time I'm out with one one of you all I learn a bunch. Thanks DHaun for the fellowship!!!!!
Thank You for the fishing trip polo-dog! It's always great to be in the right spot at the right time seeing all the topwater activity and the hummingbird lit up with fish! Yep, thats right...3 possibly 4 different species chummed-up tonight (cat, crappie, bass, and one yet to be unproven spontaneous mayfly hatch) emoLaugh and although I have had my doubts about this particular ez-cat bait it was nice to see it achieve results in yet another stretch of the river! We also saw every firework show visible from Harrison Bay - great night to be on the water emoThumbsup.
This forum has proven itself as an excellent resource for fellowship and meeting new friends. I'm assuming that many of you are like me; you get married and over the years your family gradually replaces your high school/college buds and becomes your sole friend. However, it does a man good to get out there and just chat with someone who shares their common interests.
Sounds good Polo-dog. Glad ya'll had fun and caught a few. Thanks for the report.emoThumbsup Glad you could keep the man in line there. hehe
I agree with you jason, I have been really blessed by the contacts that I have made and the new friends that I have through this website. I think that our sport is a great vehicle for fellowship. I have a hard time thinking of any other place where two men can talk and enjoy a sport without the world listening in. There just aren't that many private places anymore. Being able to enjoy the wonderful creation around us is fantastic in my opinion. Let's all get out there again soon.

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