Bet you thought you would learn the pros & cons of how to be suave in a bar, and pick up more chicks. SORRY, not today.
mandate; a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the elctorate to it's represaentative.
Your representative is your,
State Representative/Congressman/woman.PRESIDENT
200 jobs lost today by GE because of the new light bulbs that Harry Reid pushed into legislation....mandated by the government.
Millions of dollars lost by the stock holders of GM & Chrysler becuase of the mandated takeover by the US Government. The stock holders built GM & Chrysler by investing their money. No $$ , company folds, unless the government pays everyone except the stock holders and gives the unions a free pass on wages and benefits. Without the stock holders, the workers have no job, unless it's pay back to the unions for voting you into office.
The 200 @ GE that lost their jobs will snowball, and there will probably several thousand effected.You may be next..
We are being "mandated out of our lives, freedom."
mandate; a command or authorization to act in a particular way on a public issue given by the elctorate to it's represaentative.
Your representative is your,
State Representative/Congressman/woman.PRESIDENT
200 jobs lost today by GE because of the new light bulbs that Harry Reid pushed into legislation....mandated by the government.
Millions of dollars lost by the stock holders of GM & Chrysler becuase of the mandated takeover by the US Government. The stock holders built GM & Chrysler by investing their money. No $$ , company folds, unless the government pays everyone except the stock holders and gives the unions a free pass on wages and benefits. Without the stock holders, the workers have no job, unless it's pay back to the unions for voting you into office.
The 200 @ GE that lost their jobs will snowball, and there will probably several thousand effected.You may be next..
We are being "mandated out of our lives, freedom."