Me and RJS 3/25

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Ram Jack Scott and I hooked up Sunday, hitting the water at 7:30 AM. Within an hour he hooked up with a keeper LM on a red trap, which I lipped out of the water for him. Shortly thereafter, I hooked a little 1/2 lb LM on a Rapala, and the little B***ARD planted a hook through my left index finger, in at the base of the nail and out the fingertip. OW! Of course, it WAS a Rapala, so I clipped off the finger. Now I'm playing injured, but learned a lesson...never curse at ANY fish. Now, including playing injured, I was playing cursed. I cauget 3 more bass, each getting SMALLER! 1/2 lb LM, 12 oz spot, 8 oz spot, and the MONSTER pictured below, caught on the aforementioned 4" Rapala. He was too big to get completely in the shot, and yes, I have hands the size of snowshoes.

RJS caught a short crappie, the top of a tall tree, a trot line, and too many lay-downs to count. emoLaugh . The neat story of the day was a fish he hooked on a trap that then pegged him to a stump. We tried for a while to get it off the stump to no avail, so broke it off. A few minutes later, we hear behind us a rattle-rattle-splash as the little bugger had worked himself looses and was trying to shake the trap out of his mouth.

All-in-all, an enjoyable 10 hours on the lake with, for a yankee, not too bad a guy!emoZipped

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