Mechanical issue with manual start (and a bonus fishing report)

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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2008
My Mariner manual start 25/20 Jet has been giving me fits for the past couple months. I keep ordering parts to replace busted parts, only to discover yet another part that also needs replaced...

The latest issue is the starter housing; the socket where the screw that attaches the starter sheave to the housing stripped out, so that when you crank the pull rope, the sheave moves but the flywheel doesn't. I used a tap and die set to make the screw stick in the socket, and it seemed to hold so I ran down to Riverpark and dropped her in the water. Motor worked the first time I started it up, so I ran upriver to the dam to fish... of course, after they turned two generators on and I needed the motor RIGHT NOW to avoid getting washed into the riprap, the screw slipped again.

Btw, the skippies turned on with the extra water. Numbers and size, sure was a hoot on a light fly rod!

Anyway, the new starter housing is $150. Question is, would you consider gooping the inside of that socket with JB Weld and then using the tap and die to rethread it, or is this a really, really stupid idea...

Thanks in advance for any advice.
That proably wouldnt hold as a permanent fix but you could try a heli-coil. Dont know how much room you have to drill out for the coil but could be worth a try.
I hadn't seen those before, they're pretty slick!! I think there's enough metal around the hole to drill it out... Thanks!
The helicore should work....but if not, I have found a place on ebay that sells used parts. It's .....southcentraloutboards. It looks like they have about anything you may need.