Missing a lot of fish using Tube baits, ideas?

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Aug 12, 2007
I need some expertise if you have a moment to spare... I have been using a salt impregnated tube bait and I guess I dont know how to rig one properly... I can get fish to pick them up and carry them but whenever I try setting the hook... nothing. I have been using a 2/0 weighted hook and have the hook coming out the skirt, and I know I am doing something wrong I just don't know exactly what... Is there a good source online for rookies on how to use tubes? Or one of you kind experiences fishermen help? It is appreciated.
Here is everything you need to know. This was posted on the contributors forum back in the winter. To date this year we have caught about 500 bass on tubes so I know these techniques work. Good luck.</p>


I have gotten a couple of requests for how to rig and fish tubes for bass. Well here is my 0.02 cents. Please keep in mind this setup and fishing style applies to fishing the river and mainly applies to spots but most of this can be applied to smallmouth and largemouths as well.

Bait and Hooks
Since I mainly fish for spots on Nickajack I always fished the 3.5" tubes and at times I will throw a 2.5" tube. I prefer the Bass Pro Shops Tender Tubes in Pumpkin or a motor oil color, pretty much any shade of brown works well with chartuse/pepper being a killer at times. I also like the Gitzit brand but they are hard to find in stores but can be ordered at gitzit.com. I always fish with a tube lead head with the hook exposed. Alvin usually fishes his texas style but for me I get better hook ups fishing with an exposted hooks. I use the Renegade 1/8 oz hooks from Wal-Mark as they are $0.20 each. The Gamakatsus are perfect but cost a whole lot more. Price is an issue as you WILL loose a lot of baits fishing with an exposed hook. The only time I go to texas rig is when I know I will be fishing a lot of brush or tember.

Rod, Reel, and Line
I use a spinning rod, 6.5 feet with 6 to 8 lb line. I use Shamino reels and rods and I have had great luck with them. I recommend a medium action rod and am not sure a 7 footer would not be more ideal. The longer rod gives you better casting control, distance and allows for better hook sets and leverage. For line I use either Berkly Triline XL in 8 lb or recently I have started using Pline Halo in 6lb. I have had really good luck with the fluoro lines and will be using them this year.

Tubes catch bass all year long and will ususally catch bass with no other baits will. I keep a tube tied on 95% of the time and we have had numberous 50+ bass days using tubes with one day of 141 bass caught mostly on tubes. Largemouth like them as well and smallies will destroy them.

<font size="2"><span class="smalltext">(Rigged Tube.jpg)</span>

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<span class="smalltext">(Pre Rigged Tube.jpg)</span></font>

</div><div>Here is an alternative method to rigging a tube that works when fishing brush or laydowns. With the tube rigged this way a dragging technique like fishing a worm seems to produce well.
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<span class="smalltext">(Tube Setup - Non-Rigged.jpg)</span></font>


Sounds like you have a case of Redeyes taking your bait or small spots. The cure for your missing problem, it takes a strong will and patients, DON'T SET THE HOOK, just put a light pressure on him and reel him in. If you can't get the hook into him setting it. Make sure your hooks are sharp.
This works well when they are bitting funny.
Most of the time hit em hard, like setting the hook when using a plastic worm.
Renegade lead heads do work well. The price is right and the hooks are strong.
Hang on using tubes in the river, you may get your arm broken.
Good luck
I second going to an insert head with exposed hook for the best hookup percentage.

If you want to Texas rig (even though hook up precentage is lower (for me), I suggest moving up to a 3/0 or 4/0 Gammie EWG.

A nice inbetween is using a insert head with a single wire weed guard, tough to find but work real well.
Michael, you are a gentleman for showing us all about your technique for catching fish on tubes. I consider you one of the best when it comes to bass fishing.These tips will definatly make better fisherman out of the rest of us. Thanks again.emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup
Okay Mr. Whiskers, I have a question for you.... And there are many opinions about this, but seeminly so you are the tube king of CFF> I know you were looking for that accolade...
How do you fish your tubes? I've been told swimming.... hopping, and last night dragging.... I used a tube where we were catching small smallies on a 4in shakyhead, but not the tube. Maybe you can enlighten on the presentation you work most consistently....
I am overwhelmed by the knowledge and expertise. Thank you for all the tips I will try them all and hopefully become a much better tube fisherman! Thank You for your time and sharing your knowledge.
NA, I was lucky enought to get to ride with MW early this year, and the fishing was tough. He was like a bull-dog though, and figured out what they wanted, by way of a s l o o o w drag method. He said it was not his common mehtod, but he just adapts and figures it out! The guy is the Riverpark, tube-king! Hands down....
R14 - 7/14/2008 1:53 PM I second going to an insert head with exposed hook for the best hookup percentage. If you want to Texas rig (even though hook up precentage is lower (for me), I suggest moving up to a 3/0 or 4/0 Gammie EWG. A nice inbetween is using a insert head with a single wire weed guard, tough to find but work real well.

I agree about the Texas rig and I forgot to mention it above but you have to have an oversized hook when texas rigging tubes. You want the hook to be as long as the body of the tube and a wide bend hook is best.</p>
Nickajack Angler - 7/14/2008 2:25 PM Okay Mr. Whiskers, I have a question for you.... And there are many opinions about this, but seeminly so you are the tube king of CFF> I know you were looking for that accolade... How do you fish your tubes? I've been told swimming.... hopping, and last night dragging.... I used a tube where we were catching small smallies on a 4in shakyhead, but not the tube. Maybe you can enlighten on the presentation you work most consistently....

I generally shake and hop mine. Usually fish as fast as I can while still maintaining bottom contact. At times in the summer or early spring I will shake it on the bottom using an almost vertical presentation. As Spur mentioned in Feb the only way we could get them to eat was drag the tube very slow over the bottom and around brush. The fish will have to tell you what they want but I would start with the fast twitch/hop first.</p>