Mississippi snake hunting

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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josh.schreiber - 11/21/2008 5:31 PM

wow. "ya can't fix stupid"
Easy thar, feeller, wait til u try tu snach 1 of does big green feellers, an 1 of those criters, tres to sneeky snake on u umight be redy to play 2. Unless u redy, do not fish dead lake Down south. Come on! Been thyere dun that, have te brokn padle to pruv it.
About as close that I have ever tried doing that is one time a snake dropped into my boat from a limb on the river, we both done some dancing before the snake left the boat. Those fellahs might just be practicing to be snake handling preachers but I am like Dickie, that ain't for me. Can you say "bored"?
emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy emoCrazy i might get snake bit one day but its going to be in the behind because i will be running the other way! emoEek emoEek
reminds me of the time me an dad an mom were at tims camping out one summer .the campground we we staying at well you could pull your boat up to the bank an walk right up to your camper.well dad always believed in running all the gas out of the outboard every time you stopped fishing .so we were easing up to the bank an just as we were sliding onto the bank ,i was in front of the boat fixing to jump out an tie the boat up as dad would uaually stay in the boat till the gas ran out ..not this time.as i was about to get out dad came FLYING by me an took of up the bank ,i said hey man what are you doing .mom probably dont have lunch ready yet whats your bug hurry.you bought knocked ne out of the boat.he looked back at me an said LOOK IN THE BACK OF THE BOAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! will i did an i saw the biggest snake i have ever saw in my life coming over the back of the boat. i dont even remember tieing the boat up . an i passed dad up going up the hill.this happed back in 1974 i think.man i geeting old.but it sure has been fun getting here.