Monday, Chickamauga, Shellcrackers, bream 5-22-2006

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2006
I put in at Tyner Lane today and ran out to the river to check on some Crappie that I found on Saturday. First cast I caught a 17 1/2" Smallmouth that I guesstimate weighed 3.0 pounds or so. I was using 4.0 lb/test line, so the Smallmouth was in charge for a few minutes. I was lucky to land him as he jumped 3 times at the boat and I have the barbs pressed down on my little 1/32 oz jigs. He was hooked good though and after I took a couple of photos and measured him, I released him to fight again.

Didn't find any Crappie there so I ran to Savannah Creek. It was dead as a doornail today. I couldn't see any bait and no activity so I returned to the river and ran to Sequoia to fish docks and bluffs. One small bass and 1 bluegill later, so I returned to Harrison Bay and started fishing for bluegills and shellcrackers.

Good choice. Fish really turned on from 2:00 to 4:00 PM today. I kept 16 shellies, 21 bluegill and returned several crackers for the fest next Saturday. I told them to rest up and I'd be back on Saturday. I will try to include photos today if I can.
nice batch of crappie there Drum ... I'm gonna have to get me some of those colorful grubby looking things.

With Crackerfest just around the corner .. I'll surely need some stock piles of all different types of stuff.

drumking, I think that some of my best days have come when I had to figure out what to do to catch the fish. You did a great job of figuring out what fish would bite and where. That's really what separates the men from the boys, again, great job!
TennesseeTalker - 5/23/2006 10:32 PM

nice batch of crappie there Drum ... I'm gonna have to get me some of those colorful grubby looking things.

With Crackerfest just around the corner .. I'll surely need some stock piles of all different types of stuff.


TT, those grubby looking things all started out white. I dipped either the heads or tails in spike-it. I have that in red, hot pink, chartruese, blue. Dipping in chartreuse and then hot pink give a nice hot orange. I like to experiment with different combos.emoAngel

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