Monday night Chesterfrost Results 9/14/2015

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Mar 5, 2006
We had 15 boats tonight and a nice night to be on the water

1st place. Pratt&Pratt. 15.58 lbs. big fish 7.23 lbs
2nd place. Harrison & Bundy. 10.94 lbs
3 rd place. Steve & Matt. 9.10 lbs

See you all next Monday 6:30 to 9:30. 3 fish
emoWorthy The Pratts need those for this weekend. emoBigsmile Congrats on a really nice three fish weight on a tough evening. emoThumbsup

I struggled last night. I could not keep them on. emoDoh I missed three, lost two and broke one off on the hook set. emoMad I also kept hanging up and having to break off. One of those nights it was not meant to be. Had two bass at 5 and a half at 9:15. Threw them back and sent Bob a message I was not coming to the weigh in. Then at 9:28 caught one over four! emoCrazy One of those nights! emoGoofy Jmax