Money VS Friends

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Jul 17, 2006
Hixson, TN
<span style="font-family: -webkit-standard; font-size: medium; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto"> Subject: Guntersville, Alabama</span><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto">Submitted by<a /></p><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto">Date Fished: 4/3/2016
Water Clarity: 2-3 feet</p><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto">My partner and I won the BIG Bass Splash with a 9.43 bass. Fishing from my boat, my partner was the one to catch the fish. Caught fish on jig in 4 foot of water. After tournament, I called my partner to discuss splitting of winnings, which was a boat and some cash. The next day, I had a message on my phone from my partner that said his lawyer told him that he didn't owe me anything and to not call him anymore or he would get me for harassment. WARNING, before you let someone in your boat to fish a tournament, especially a Big Bass tournament, be sure to have them sign an agreement on the sharing of the winnings. Maybe you will be able to get something.</p><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto">
</p><p style="font-family: -webkit-standard; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto">There is 1 remark about this reportClick here to see them.</p>
I would send him a bill for guide fee - gas- use of boat and truck.And if you netted the fish you was help in the catch of it. get you a laywer you would win easy.
Yep, always be sure to agree on how that is to be done before ever going. I had a friend win one of those also who had pre agreed to split any winnings they may of had. Turns out they won it. My friend caught the fish that won and they received a Ford Ranger truck and 5K. The dealer that was giving the truck asked him what he planned to do with the truck and he told them he was going to sell it. They offered to buy it back and gave him a check instead of the truck for right at 20 grand. emoEek He was all excited telling me this and I asked him how much he had given to his buddy fishing with him. He acted surprised with the question and said, "Well half, we agreed on that." I then asked him who's name all the winnings had been in and he told me his. emoDoh I had to explain to him that Uncle Sam was going to hit him up big time and want taxes on all that money. Since that is considered "Supplemental income" to be ready to pay a premium tax of about 45%. He got really pale, I thought he might even pass out. emoBooHoo Then I explained with him paying all the tax and giving half of the total to his buddy, he had won about $1,250.00. emoMad Don't know how that all ended but he told me he was going back to his buddy to discuss the tax. emoScratch Jmax

Sounds like the guy above got screwed by not having all that pre agreed on. The guy who did not share needs to be black balled by the general fishing community there. emoAngry
Don't forget the lawyer takes a fee! It was a 19ft Triton TRX plus around $2000.00 cash plus taxes to the government and loss of a friend.
drdetroit - 4/18/2016 7:59 AM

Don't forget the lawyer takes a fee! It was a 19ft Triton TRX plus around $2000.00 cash plus taxes to the government and loss of a friend.

I wonder if bob sealy from sealy outdoors (tournament director and founder of big bass splash) heard about this yet. I bet he would be absolutely in shock by this. This was basically a charity event. Is not like it was the ranger cup, etc, etc..
wow what a class act right there like said i would send him a bill for guide services and my lawyer fees for covering your rear end.
Geese that is the pits! Its sad that this kind of thing happens. Some people let that money go to their head! To me it's all about that experience of catching and netting that fish. Sorry you are dealing with this issue. Hopefully your friends eyes will unfog up with that money and he will come to his senses. Otherwise I would just charge that guide bill too!
I believe that I would check with an attorney myself! The entry fee is a boat fee isn't it or is it an individual fee? Also I'd ask him just who his attorney is? I bet he can't nane one! Most people in a situation like that can't. It's just a bluff. But even so, I'd check on some legal advise myself about a verbal contractual agreement?
Wow! People surprise me more and more each and every day....maybe its just me, but id cut my losses and just never speak to him again. I wouldnt fight him or take him to court, just put him on my **** list and move on. With that said, if you click the link it has a date of 2013. So thats throwing me off.
I would kick his ass and tell the judge why, I would rather have a good judge than attorney anytime

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