More Chick. river crappie 3-4-07

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Went back out this evening with my friend Jeff. We caught 28 crappie with 15 being keepers. We also caught 1 drum, 1 smallmouth, 1 largemouth, 2 spots, 2 warmouths, 10 bluegills, 3 yellowbass, and 1 big golden shiner. Water temp reached 56 * in some areas. We were catching them with slipfloats and tuffies and some on jigs. Most were 4-7 ft deep not really relating to specific structure. Today was the worst day we have had for big fish coming off. We had 6 come unbuttoned at or near the boat. The wind caused us to end up using 1 anchor at each end of the boat. We fished from 2:30 till shortly after dark.
Whistler, You must have a way to get those crappie trained to go to your honey holes. You are for sure on the fish.
Thanks for the report.
Beautiful fish guys! All black crappies I see. Some really big bellies on some of them too. You know I've been catching some of those white crappies back in the creek and they just don't have near the meat on them for the length that the black crappies do.
Chick river .. does that mean you were fishing below the dam?

I couldn't find fish yesterday ... I can't wait until a few more weeks pass. I went to 5 places and fished with no luck.

Those are good lookin though!

emoThumbsup Polo.... I don't think I saw a single white crappie in my boat all weekend. The TWRA guys are absolutely correct in their assessment that white crappie are disappearing. But for the record, I don't attribute it to fishing pressure. I'm convinced it is due to a change in the aquatic environment (older lake, less "structure"). I think they would agree.
We fished the main river channel areas between possum creek and harbor lights. Not in the bays or back in sloughs for those fish. They are somewhat relating still to deep water but have moved up in the water column. The egg sacks were almost to the point of being runny when the electric knife would get into them. I would guess the first wave of spawners in 2-3 weeks in the areas where we have been catching them.
<font color="#ff0033">Hey, Whisler, Please, smile just a bit....with a catch like your's you should be smiling alot....FA</font>
Hey F. A. How's this one ? Almost a smile.... One of those was 1.5 and one was 1.1. from Sun. evening. emoBigsmile emoBigsmile . Oh well the picture doesn't want to download. maybe the smile messed it up.emoScratchemoBigsmile
Nice catch. I need to get up there and learn how to catch those crappie's. All these crappie posts are making me jealous, and hungry LOL.

I am down here for two month on business. Is there anywhere I could fish for crappie off the bank, as I can not bring my boat with me. If so, what techniques would you suggest. Thanks in advance
Chester Frost park on the Hixson side of the river and Wolftever creek bridge and Harrison bay state park on the Harrison side of the river are good places to start. I would also expect that Booker T. Washington state park would have some areas to fish from shore if and when the crappies come into the sloughs which should be soon.

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