more prayers needed please

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Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
Alexandria, VA (DC)
A good friend of mine (Bprices, Irbs, and Dmuchas as well) has a dad that needs your thoughts and prayers. Lew, my buddy's dad, has had health problems for quite a while now, and recently got a staff infection. the problem is they cannot find where it is. he is in the hospital, and is improving, but still sick. with the host of other problems he has this has the possibility of getting very bad. please keep Lew in your prayers, as well as his family and friends as they get through this tough time.
Thanks folks.
Lew is a great man, Vietnam Veteran, and a father of a good friend of ours. He is also the sole reason our fraternity ever survived on our Campus. Lots of prayers for Lew, I'm going to see him tomorrow.
Prayers sent. Been there and done that with my dad several years ago. It's a difficult thing to overcome but we prayed and witnessed God's healing. Keep us posted.

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