I've got a 2000 200 merc efi. rough idle at first like a fouled plug, it'll clear up for a minute so i'll take off get the motor to about 4400rpms and cruise there for about a mile, then it acts like its dropping a cylinder , drops 200rs and when i ease out of it it will cut in and out continuously untill i get down to about idle again and it boggs down and dies. when i restart it its rough again and smokes badly. talked to a few people and i've heard it could be a stater, cdms, computer, or trigger. I started off by changing new plugs out, next time out it run fine no miss. thought i had it. next time out same thing. ended up changing fuel filter, fuel line, and plugs. Had one guy who looked at the stater and said it was bad, so i broke down and bought it for 570 bucks from cleveland bc, put it on run for a mile up river and back hard and not a problem. thought i had it fixed. next time out same thing. so i ate 570 bucks unless someone needs a stater. Was also told it could be the cdm, so i borrowed one and changed it out four times. On the fourth round rough idle at first once i took off it cleared up and for the rest of the day worked fine. Took it to wolftever this morn and started up fine put it into gear boggy and died. Tried to get it to start took 20 min every time it fired up it was rough once again, put it into gear and dead. We did notice the trigger has a tiny crack in the middle of the plastic, it looks almost like it has swelled and cracked. Thats our next option as I have connection to one of those. If that's not it the computer is the only thing left I know to try. But any suggestion u have please let me know. Thanks