Motor question

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Apr 20, 2009
Andersonville Tn
I've got a 17ft bass tracker with a 60hp mariner. I'm only able to run 24-26mph with the rpm's at 3900-4000. I've cleaned and adjusted the carbs, adjusted the lean, and adjusted the timing. The compression is also good. What else can I do? It should be running alot better than that. Could it be the prop? The prop is 11.4x12. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
The rpms are definatly low. Did this come set up like this??? Is it sparking on all cylinders? Have you changed the plugs? Does it come out of the hole?
I got it last year. I did not put it in the lake last year just the river. With 2 or 3 generators running I could not really tell how fast I was going (didnt take the gps, and the spedo isnt working). Been on the lake several times this year and noticed it. All cylinders are hitting, and I've got good compression. Changed the spark plugs. Yes it comes out of the hole fine. I have no idea what else I can do to it.
Also note that some carbs can actually go past wot and will do the same thing as letting off. Usually you can tell this but low rpms then when letting off the rpms will increase.
Don't worry about it. If it is at Wide Open Throttle and the butterflies are at perfectly horizontal. It is good. Some carbs can go past that point...basicly it will go 3/4 throttle full throttle then 3/4 again when opening up. Understand??

What year is the engine?
How long have you had it?
Did it run faster before?
Are you sure the tach is right?
Is the tach setting correct?

SO many variables. I may have a factory service manual I will give you. Post your serial number. It may be in the link and sync. Excessively low timing. But with the hole shot being good I doubt it. With a manual, you will be able to set the link and sync and fix it. Like I said there are so many things that need to be verified. Need to start with the basics. Timing and fuel.

Scratch the tach. I just ran the numbers....If It has a 1.64 lower with that prop 26 MPH shows 3825 RPM's Guess need to know if you have ever seen more out of the boat.
Like wrenchin said need to know if the boat has ever turned more rpm's. Wrenchin is right start with a basic link and sink and go from there. Just a dumb question but is the trim working?
yea the trim is working,
serial # 0g210860.
I bought it in aug 08, I only took it out on the river until this year when I've been going to lake. On the river I never ran it wide open because of it being so shallow and all of the rocks. I think it has prob been like it since I've had it. We even raised the motor 1 notch and tried that just a little while ago, and of course it didnt help. I dont know anything about how to adjust the timing, I've got a buddy coming up this weekend to take a look at that and to see if I have missed anything. Thanks for the replies guys I really appreciate it. Anymore ideas?
Shows to be a 96. Here is the factory manual section for the link and sync on it. Will have to do a different way.</p>

