Motorguide W75 wireless "review"

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Jan 14, 2011
<font face="'Times New Roman', serif" size="3">I just bought a Motorguide W75 wireless T.M. and my brother asked me to tell him how I liked it as he was thinking about one for a kayak. I just emailed him what i thought after it's maiden voyage and thought I would share what i wrote here as a review. Sidenote - I wanted a wireless because my spine is totally fused and I can not turn my head a nano inch. At times I like to troll using my T.M. with the poles in the stern, so I had to sit in the bow and hold up a mirror to see my poles. I came across what I thought was a good deal on this and thought it would be ideal as I could just stay in the back of the boat with my poles when I did this.</font></p>

<span style="font-family: Bliss, sans-serif; font-size: 14pt">Took the boat out last night with the new trolling motor installed. Got there at dark, around 5:00, fished until 11:00, only caught one small largemouth – 12” maybe.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">Trolling motor – </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">The Good -</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"> Moves the boat right along (my boat is a 19' fish & ski). Water was calm so could not “test” it into waves but pretty sure it will be fine.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"> The remotes worked fine. I never really used the different speeds on my other one as it was difficult to adjust on the fly with my foot. With the remotes it is easy and works great. Is nice being able to really slow the motor down when I just need to make little corrections.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">The Bad </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">The mount they use for this is horrible, I would think surely there has to be a better way to implement it, wireless or not. There is a “handle” you pull up or down to release the motor. Putting the motor down is easy, BUT, you still have to hold the motor by hand to keep it from just slamming down – there is no rope or cable, you have to hold the motor itself. Pulling it up is a pain in the ass really. Again there is no cable to pull – the motor is mounted out on the very edge of the bow, so you have to pull the handle up, reach out and grab the head of it and pull it back. 1<sup>st</sup>, with the weight of the motor, the handle itself can be hard to pull up. One I got is only a 48” shaft so I have it lowered as far as it can go, the head is all of the way down. So I have to get on my knees (probably would have to do that with any mount since I don’t bend) then reach out and grab the head of the motor, lifting it up some to relieve some pressure off of the release handle, then pull the motor back by the head or the shaft – I was getting it up where I could grab the shaft, not wanting to do it by holding the head since all of the weight is on it.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">It is not a quick pull the cable and pull up. Hopefully I will figure out an easier way, if not, I guess that is the price to pay for wireless.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">The remotes – glad I bought the hand held remote too. I am sure that it will just take getting familiar with the foot control but I ended up using the hand remote pretty much the whole time. I had on work boots since it was in the mid 40’s and it was dark – so I kept tapping the wrong buttons. I would be trying to go left and end up hitting the speed control. I would be speeding towards something and couldn’t find the on/off button – since it is wireless, it has a separate on/off button you have to press. Again, I would think it is more just getting used to that as it is different than a “normal” foot control plus it did not help I could not see it. I will probably put some small glow in the dark “stickers” on it, tho may not need them once I get used to it.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">The hand held remote – really easy to use, BUT, it is hand held. Since I couldn’t use the foot control very well I was pretty much only using it. If I was making small corrections while casting, I had to hold it in my left hand while casting and reeling – example would be I was working a dock, kind of close so needed to keep making small adjustments to keep from hitting it while I worked the back of it and under it – I couldn’t really set the remote down and had to hold it. BUT, when I learn the foot control I won’t have that problem.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">Range – I really liked being able to sit in the “cockpit” and look at my Lowrance while trolling around. BUT I had to hold my hand out from the windshield for it to work and the seat in the bow also seemed to interfere with it. Standing up and over everything it was fine, sitting down there was a couple of times I was headed towards a tree or whatever and the motor wasn’t getting the signal – kind of “scary” when you are headed towards a BIG downed tree. Did not try it from the stern – but I would be standing up back there so hopefully will work. I understand they did it for size, but was wondering if it was a little bigger and used a triple A or double A battery the range might be better.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">Then, I wonder if the people who design these things actually use them. There is no directional light on the head of the motor. I would guess that it add quite a bit to the cost to have one because it wouldn’t just be tied into the foot control cable but would have to use sensors – fine, I understand that. But how hard would it have been to maybe put some type of glow in the dark tape on the head. If you cannot see the head, you obviously have no idea where the motor is pointed. I was thinking about maybe mounting a small green led light on it but doubt if there is power in the head itself and would be hard to run any wires to it – so will probably just end up using some glow in the dark tape – can’t believe they didn’t do that - maybe the letters MG written on the end of it in glow in the dark paint.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">So, it is not ideal by any means. I still like being able to control the boat without having to sit in the bow, came in pretty handy a few times as I could move to the back to fish a tree etc as I passed by it, but it sure does have it’s faults – the main one in my opinion being the mount – unless I am missing something it is a really bad design.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">After I mounted it, I did notice there was a big crack on the head of it. The head has a plastic cover that just screws on to the bottom piece.Checking it out I do not know if it was because of the force that caused the crack, but where the cover joined the bottom piece, there was a gap between the 2. I did not pop it off to see what is under there, but I would guess that whatever is there is something that would be best not to be getting wet, plus any water that did get in there would not have a way out.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">I put clear silicone over the crack (probably cause in shipping, I would guess it is really cheap to replace) so went ahead and put a line of silicone all around the cover so water could not get inside it. If the gap was there due to whatever cause the crack, I understand that – but if I were designing it I imagine I would have had a rubber gasket there to insure water could not get in.</span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif"></span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">In summary, I am going to guess once I “learn” the foot pedal and add some glow in the dark tape to the head so I know where it is pointed at night, I will be pretty happy with it. The remote may not work well thru the windshield , but it is still really nice. I need to check if maybe the foot pedal has better “range” but worst case scenario I just need to make sure wherever I am the signal gets to the motor – I will still not have to be in the bow to use it – and will be really convenient for a guy who cannot turn his head. </span></p> <p class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: Bliss, sans-serif">I think I will like it, but the only thing that really sucks is the mount.</span></p>
I HATE the footpdeal, I only use the handheld remote now. Does yours not have the retractable cord and clip with it? Makes it a breeze to use.
I personally love the mount, very easy to install, and I like the quick connect feature.
retractable cord ? I sure don't believe so - is it something you attach or was it already on the motor ? I am not really sure how that would pull the release handle up with the way it is designed.
Guess I had better go check out a parts list if I can find one. It was not mentioned in the manual anywhere.
Way it is now I obviously do not like the mount at all as I have to get on my knees, reach out and grab the motor and raise it up a bit to take some of the pressure off, then pull up on the handle with my right hand, pulling the motor back with my left hand........
I just went and looked at a parts diagram and did not see anything like you mentioned. Also looked at the Owner's manual again and it states.
. Firmly grasp the column with one hand and then pull up on the release handle with the other hand.

I guess if I guy can bend he does not have to get on his knees, but I don't bend and the manual describes the way to do it just like I was - having to grab the motor in my left hand, pick it up slightly and with my other hand pull the release lever up......
I don;t see how a cable could even be attached to do it - the release handle is totally separate from the motor so you would have to have one cable pulling that - BUT, you pull it straight up, so if they did have a cable it would have to be on something like a pulley system so the cable was going straight down in order to pull the handle straight up.
Then you would have to have another cable attached to the motor to pull it back - but, seems I have to pull the motor straight up a little 1st in order to relieve the pressure in order to release the handle. I tried pulling the release handle without pulling up on the motor and I couldn't get it up. I am sure if I gave it everything I had i could have, but I really don;t need a hernia raising my trolling motor.
I would love to see a picture of yours and how they did it. They sure don;t mention it anywhere in the manuals and i sure do not see how it would work.
emoScratch I think Spur was referring to the remote controller so you don't have to hold it. I have a strap around my neck to keep mine convenient (Minn-Kota).

I don't remember seeing any other way to deploy and retract the wireless units.

Using a wireless unit just take practice. Don't get discouraged.

Correct ericM, I was talking about the FOB retractable cord. I have not had any issue with deploying or stowing the motor, but again, mine being on a pontoon, it may be much easier. Here is the FOB I have.</p>


<div>ahhhh, I hope I have never implied I am very bright - yes, I got the clip on for the hand held remote. Was just 1st time out, it was dark so was more just playing around. Next time out I will be working on what is most comfortable etc.</div>

I am pretty sure I will really like it, loved having not to be sitting in the bow and operating it - but I don't see me ever liking the mount all that much. I understand the remote not working very well thru my windshield, completely understandable and that will just be getting used to where it will and won't work on my boat. I obviously need to play around with it more but it seemed I could be anywhere in the boat if I just held it up above the windshield, so basically over my head - but that is a small price to pay for being in the back of the boat running my trolling motor. In a way it is sort of my fault as I should have got a 60" shaft (mine is 48) but I only paid $550 as it was a factory refurbished, otherwise I could have only afforded a "normal" trolling motor) - it gets down low enough but I have it lowered as far as it can go, so I have nothing to grab onto except the head. Turns out the trolling motor I had on it was only 36" so I am sure I can raise it up a bit and still be okay - I am going to guess that I would still have bought it knowing what I know now as the benefits far outweigh my not so fondness of the way I need to work the mount. Going to be pretty nice not having to sit in the bow with a mirror to see my poles if I am trolling and the boat moves right along with the 75 pounds of thrust. At first I was thinking it did not seem a whole lot faster - not disappointed, but kind of surprised. Was just my perception though because a couple of times I turned the motor on when it was at full speed and it rocked me backwards - so I was taking off at a pretty good clip . I just do not think it is perfect and do not understand why they wouldn't have put a piece glow in the dark tape or something on the head so you could see where it was pointed at night. Will be an easy fix but I would think surely they tested one of these at night.</p>




One more thing, my boat is 24' long, I have not had an issue of the remote not working anywhere on the boat, although I dont have a windshield anywhere to block it.
review update - now that I have used it a couple more times, pretty much forget everything i wrote before I love it. Not sure why i had so much "trouble" with the mount the 1st time out, but it is not nearly as bad as I thought - actually is pretty simple. I think the biggest thing is my fault anyway - I need a longer column so it is lowered down all of the way and I only have the head to grab on to. I am going to be putting a 60" column on it so will even be better.
Maybe it wasn't the windshield cutting down on the remote, but the fishing seat in the bow. Works MUCH better with the seat down and a direct line of sight. With the seat up it is pretty much blocking everything. I was cruising all over the place from the cockpit with no problems, tho I was holding my hand out.
Was going to sit on the stern fishing seat but my shaft is too short, motor started cavitating when I sat back there (I am the only one in the boat).

Anyway, really, really, really glad I got it. Only step up for me now would be a gps controlled with wireless, and I don't see that happening.

I am on my way to figure out a better way to mount a transducer on it tho.

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