Mud Creek Marine

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In Scottsboro, AL is the real deal. I had a problem with my Suzuki motor not wanting to run a couple months ago. I took it to the original dealer that I bought the boat from. The Grass Shack in Buford, GA. After keeping it for several weeks they tell me the high pressure fuel pump and the needle valve was bad. They also told me that it would not be covered under warranty because it was bad gas that caused the failure. I would not accept this diagnosis since my motor is only 2 years old and had less than 28 hours on it. I have always run Sea Foam or Stabil in my motors. No ethanol gas for nearly the last two years either. Grass shack wanted almost $700 for these repairs.
I told the Grass Shack guy to put my old parts back in and I promptly took the boat to Mud Creek. The mechanic at Mud Creek repaired my motor for nearly half of what Grass Shack wanted and then got all but the needle valve covered under warranty as it should have been.
Hind sight being 20/20 I should have taken the boat to the great guys at Mud Creek to start with. I can't say enough good about this business. No one will ever touch my motor but them again.
Big bonus there too. They also own a first class BBQ restaurant right next door to the boat shop.
emoHungry emoBigsmile
good to hear on the marina but i dont really care much for their grinded BBQ any place that doesnt have pulled pork doesnt get my business lol
The owners of Mudd Creek Marine are first class people. I bought a new boat from them in 2007. They do not add on many of the charges local marine dealers do when buying a new boat. I have talked to them several times since and always ready to help. Little drive to get there but worth it if you need something like you did.
Yeah, those guys are great, if you need help quick, they'll do all they can! Is that guy still around that was a mechanic and test driver that lost his legs? He was amazing , he would work twice as hard and fast as anyone I ever saw!
Yeah Josh, I prefer to chew my own bbq! emoThumbsup
no the man with no legs is no longer with us he has passed on to a beter place with grener pastures and dont nobody blasphene the BBQ joint they got the best around
Sorry to hear he's gone,rest his soul!
If you're saying the bbq is good ole pulled pork-I'll give them another try. My last couple exreriences was pretty fine texture.
Do they still let you camp back in that cove?
there bbq is either chunked grinded or sliced... if you dont have pulled bbq you aint a bbq joint in my book
you can only camp on the cheese hill side but not behind the restaurant and i have only had the chunk style at mud creek dont know but of one place that has pull tipe and that is at carols chicken basket..emoHungryemoHungry rrr and tates may have but dont know but tates has the best bbq sandwich around

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