Mungers pond and Green Meadows

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Mungers pond is off the side of Highway 60 and Green Meadows or also called Green Shadow and its located off of
Highway 74 which is also called spring Place road.
Green Meadows is located about 6 miles down spring place rd. whitch is 74. Go about 1 mile past valley veiw school and turn left on cedar springs rd. Look for cedar springs church on left , I think it is the next rd. on your left. It is the old Ball home place. I think his first name is Jimmy. He developed that subdivision many years ago. It has been a long time sence I been out their but I fished that small lake when I was just a kid. Hope this help.
Roy ur right I grew up off lad springs about 2 miles from there I have fished that little pond for a long time.....
Tailgate, is the fishing as good as it use to be? After the post last night I was thinking about it, not that it matters but his name( the man that owned it was Joe Ball,Jimmy was his nephew. The last I heard a group of about 5 men had that leased. and I always known it as Green Shadow Lake.
My friend and his dad had a year lease on green meadows about ten years ago and one day we went around 6
oclock in the evening. The pond which is about 12-16 acres had a small earthen dam and an old run down tackle
shop on the bank and the ramp was small and just grass and mud. I caught the only fish I have ever had mounted
it was around 7lbs. and caught another over 4.5 lbs. We were in a johnboat and the lake had a steep wooded
bank that was deepest , a huge flat with stumps at upper end and other side was along a cow pasture. Would love to go back if anyone knows how to get a lease.

Also Mungers Pond is the small lake off the side of the road on the way out to Grasshopper Creek coming from
Cleveland. Never saw a boat on this lake in years going by. Wondered if there was any way to fish it. Place looks