My 15 minutes of fame.

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Glad to see the BMX thing still working for you guys. Is ranmini still mopping the floor with the competition on the race circuit?
foodsaver - 1/18/2009 7:43 PM

Glad to see the BMX thing still working for you guys. Is ranmini still mopping the floor with the competition on the race circuit?

He was ranked as high as 10th in the country for the 11 y.o. class this summer,but once the west coast nationals kicked into high gear all of the California kids took over the top 20.He's still killing it locally and came in second in the east region redline cup finals(he lost by a half of a wheel).
We both got second in the state finals for each of our age groups this year, but it doesn't look like I'm going to get to race as much this season(I don't think I can race and run the track at the same time) emoConfused
<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0066" size="4">very nice article ....I was wondering if you all were still on the run.....FA</font>