My 6 yr old kills his 1st (8 point)

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2009
Athens, TN
Took my son Bryse who just turned 6 in October on juvenile weekend and he had his share of encounters with deer and missed several times. Took him opening day of muzzloader (he shoots a rossi youth muzzloader) and he knocked a buck down in his tracks and it got up and ran off. After tracking it for at least 300 yards the trail ended with no deer. 2 days later I took him after school and jumped in a stand and he gets a shot on a buck again and knocks it down in its tracks. This buck also got up and ran about 50 yards and that was the end of the trail for him. I heard this one go down and we did not waste any time finding it. His 1st deer ended up being a nice solid 8 point that he has definitely earned in the last few weeks of hunting. He has spent alot of time in the woods with me and his older brother (Riley) and has been waiting on his turn to put one down. Was just wanting him to put a deer on the ground and it turns out to be a nice one to put on the wall for him.




Sweet!!!!!! He is hooked for life now. Congrats!! emoWorthy emoApplause Jmax
Very nice!! way to put the time in the woods with him. Love the big smiles - great pics!
thats awesome right there, great job young man.....I believe you could punch him in the nose in that pic and he would still have that big ole smile on his face. Congrats to both of you, what an experience that will remain with you throughout your lives.....
Good looking deer and that's a Hollywood Smile. "Teach 'em how to hunt and fish and you'll never have to hunt 'em". Great pics and even better memory.
Way to go Bryse and to Travis you are teaching your boys right. Happy to see you doing that with them. See ya at Horn. Hallow next season on Tue. nights.