MY CAR Note is PAID OFF finally after 4yrs YES!!!!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2006
MY CAR Note is PAID OFF finally after 4yrs YES!!!!!! Got conformation today that my bank got the certified check for my payoff from the buyer of my car !!!
And my account has a $0 balance!!!!!

Thank you lord.
emoParty emoParty emoParty emoParty emoParty emoParty emoParty emoParty emoDance emoDance emoDance emoDance emoDance emoApplause emoApplause emoApplause
Now get out there and buy something else and go in debt again, it is the American way.
No financing boats for me .. and if I can help it I aint gonna be financing any more cars ... or any thing else .. actually financing everything is not the American way its the bank cards and banks commercials telling you how much you need the stuff and how easy it will be to repay .. that is if you don't get sick, loose your job, etc etc life is too freaking risky ! I had finance my house, but I didnt have to buy more than I could afford !
Im trying to become debt free within 10yrs.
Cash is the life for me .. no more credit cards for junk I wont have in 2 yrs, and will be outdated in 1 month.
Im gonna buy me a 17-18 ft boat with a 90-150 on it but it will be for cash money! It may be a project boat but it will be paid for ! I of course already have a boat just not as big as I really want .. but it catches some mighty fine fish as the pics this summer Ive posted on here prove !
Did someone say "project boat"???? I just happen to know a fella that has a 17'-8" (constant) project boat........

FOR SALE: 1984 Stratos, somewhat busted left rear, tightening handle missing on trolling motor, pee on floor, rather poor steering abilities, multiple recent battle scars, sinks occasionally, multiple life vests included (suggest wearing them all), plenty of duct tape and bubble gum included (most of it pre-applied)...........

Boat name............. LUCKY

emoBigsmile emoBigsmile

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