My son ended the season with a deer.

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2009
Athens, TN
My 6 year old son Bryse ended his first hunting season with a bang. We hunted in a small draw between two thickets in hopes to catch a late season deer slipping from one thicket to the other and as luck would have it we got lucky. Had 5 deer slip through the draw just after day break. He picked the only one that offered a good shot in the thick little draw we were in and dropped it where it stood. Little did we know it was a button buck. I hated to see that, but I was proud of him and that really did not matter. It was a tuff shot and low light conditions and we could not tell until we actually were looking at the deer when we walked up to it. I picked its back legs up to move it and that is when I found out it was not a doe. He was proud and we had a great short hunt. Nice hunt to leave fresh on his mind for next year.

Here is the 8 point he took during muzzloader this year.
Congradulations young man !!!!!!! Thats what I'm talking about.Thats what is great about Juvenile hunts. Let the youngsters control the heard. And thank all you Dads that take them to the woods.
After I posted this thread about Bryse and his deer he had taken, his older brother Riley got a chance to go later that afternoon with his step dad and he also took a button buck. They both ended the season with a great experience and will fuel the drive for next year. I am so thankful and blessed to have two boys that love the outdoors. Here are Riley's deer from this year.
Here is his button buck

Here is his 4 point
WOW!!! WHAT A BUCK!!!! It looks like some were seeing deer this year.... That is hugh buck for Tennessee, and I bet your very proud of your son....
Great job!!! Special times right there. Something they will always remember. emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup

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