Navionics introduces SonarCharts

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Active member
May 17, 2012
Coming soon...
New SonarCharts feature that is available to Humminbird and Raymarine users. It is beta test mode right now but wil launch in the next month or so. This allows everyone in the Navionics Community to record sonar, upload the data, and in 24 hours have one foot contours for everywhere he/she and all Navionics contributing members have recorded. This layer will combine the community sonar data with our own surveys and available hydrographic office data.
This is for free!! Will be the only way to provide/utilize the absolute latest possible data available for an area. The only thing you need is a Navionics Platinum chart to do this. Reason being is a space issue. if you have a plotter that doesnt run Platinum, we have a solution coming for you very very soon. Tthe Sonarchart can be viewed on the "fish n Chip" layer of the Humminbird, or the "Fish" layer on Raymarine. Here is a brief video to explain a little more:</p></p></p>

Few shots of what resulting SonarCharts looks like. Sorry...haven't made it up to TN waters YET to do some recordings there.

Nav Chart

will it work on a lowrance unit gen 1? i have a nav plat south card and a east card.thanks for info
SonarCharts can be viewed on Navico units, but at this time, we are unable to accept or process any data recorded on a Navico unit. Navico's current position is that any sonar logs recorded on their units are their property, not the customers.
So...Navionics is working very hard to come to an agreement and ensure Navico customers aren't shut out of this free service. We hope sooner than later.
It's been suggested by a few pro staffers that perhaps an inexpensive plotter like a Humminbird 385 could be a short-term solution for Navico customers caught in this current bind. Of course, I'd expect this problem to be worked through by the time the full launch of SonarCharts takes place.

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